@Carolina Hurricanes

Sebastian Aho collision with Adam Fox – Tough Call Review

Sebastian Aho found himself caught in no man’s land and braced contact. Adam Fox found himself in no man’s land as well, and tried to avoid contact. The results are unfortunate but accidental.


  1. My problem is Aho has a history, and obviously does nothing to avoid his leg hitting fox, sure Fox was expecting Aho to try to avoid him (interference is a thing, supposedly), but Aho's face clearly told me he wasn't going to try to avoid this collision, because he knows he's beat.

  2. Okay so Fox mohawks LTR Aho starts cutting right to defend (my understanding CAR plays man to man) Fox decides to take a left for high slot way too last second.
    Eh, incidental, maybe interference, but with the way Fox is even unsure of which way he's going…hard call.
    Dirty? If Aho had braced forward or with a shoulder maybe, but he opts to leave his feet to lessen impact instead 🤷🏻‍♀️. Idk I don't see it.

  3. A-Hole is really good at the Accidental-on-Purpose stuff. Don’t let his baby-faced, aloof manner fool you.

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