@St. Louis Blues

How do the blues not get a mention in this post 😳

How do the blues not get a mention in this post 😳

by hughwhittle1


  1. Marketing. No one cares about the blues outside of us. Oilers are big, Cooley is a rookie, and frost plays for the flyers.

  2. LineMenArePeople_2

    I’m ok with it. I’d rather not have the attention and just quietly keep playing well and staying under the radar.

  3. NotTheRocketman

    I can understand the first two, but no way Frost (who was drafted using the pick received in exchange for Schenn BTW) had a better night.

  4. They are pissed cause binnington is at his peak right now

  5. kooks2002

    2 players on the same team getting Hat Tricks in the same game…..not newsworthy apparently.

  6. hughwhittle1

    Can I just add how utter garbage this graphic style is. I work in sports social media and this is just atrociously bad design, it looks like it was made in Canva (which is fine… not for the major leagues).

    As an Australian I understand they’re trying to maintain the NHLAus style they had going for the global series but come on, it’s been a month and a half.

  7. Can’t wait for the Blues to have a blowout season and for everyone in the NHL to hate us even more.

  8. splplayer

    So I guess 2 st. Louis Blues with hat tricks got miss in the voting. Way to go guys😡

  9. OptimisticPsyduck

    I firmly believe the NHL hates the blues.

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