@Tampa Bay Lightning

Sean O’Malley and Chito Vera debate who no showed Face Off: “I’m 6’6, 220”




  1. What does he expect if he's coming early the other guy Is coming at the time he's supposed to o mally is a fool I'd knock him out any day

  2. The only thing now gent let do the man dance 🎉🎉🎉🎉 can't wait fight night Sparks will fly 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  3. I'm definitely an O'Malley fan……that being said I hope Chito wins again and specifically
    the same way as the first fight so Sean can finally level out and accept that loss for what it was.

  4. Like always
 Dana will protect his boy
 the Sean omelette clown đŸ€Ą and something will happen and this fight will be canceled and or something will happen to protect the clown đŸ€Ą boy
 I might be wrong but,..this type of situation has been happening a lot in the UFC
 Dana announces that some very important fight will happen just to keep the fans glued to the ufc false propaganda and in the last minutes., some weird shit happens and the fight is canceled or Dana changes the fighter the all the fans was expecting to watch for a last minute fighter
 I have seen this in the ufc sooooo many times to realize that is not just a matter of coincidence

  5. if shawn was 6'6 220 he would be fighting at lightheavy weight and would be to scared to fight because the height and reach bully has to be half a foot taller then anyone he fights or he ducks them.hes only fighting cheto who is big for 135 but not as big as omalley because the fans and ufc pushed for it and he knows he got beat fair and square last time and is embarrassed.

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