@Vancouver Canucks

HUGE Canucks trade incoming? | WILD Pettersson update | Canucks News

0:24 Trevor Linden speaks out on Pettersson
2:31 Canucks are looking to make a trade
7:45 Comment of the day

Former player and president Trevor Linden Speaks out on how the Canucks almost passed on drafting Elias Pettersson, and it has been reported that the Canucks are looking to make a trade for a defenceman. Mark Pye breaks down these articles, rumors, and more on this episode of Hat Trick HQ.


  1. Thats not exactly what he said and what has come out before. Benning liked Pettersson but leaned towards Glass because he was bigger. Also Linden never said he was responsible for drafting Pettersson, rather that they had a process and a draft list and that the scouting staff was supposed to be responsible and all he mad sure what that they followed the process. Also Pettersson was drafted 5th

  2. Peeke's name keeps coming up. It makes sense. Look how beneficial Soucy and Cole have been. Get it done Alvin!!

  3. linden still whining about benning? give it a rest already, trevor. benning had the last call on the draft pick and he took pettersson. he was the worst GM the canucks had but he did draft hughes and boeser along with pettersson so…

  4. Petterson would be foolish to leave right now. If it's not broken don't fix it. Unless there are things happening in the background that we don't know about, this won't happen.

  5. I don't know man. I know CBJ was bad and plus/minus is an overrated stat but -41 for a defenseman is just abysmal. Are we sure he's not actually a major liability?

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