@Vancouver Canucks

Woodcroft calls timeout in the first period against Canucks

2023 – 2024 Season
Edmonton Oilers vs. Vancouver Canucks

This is my second channel that will focus only on NHL content. My main channel is over here.


  1. McDavid will demand a trade pretty soon

    The Oilers coach will be gone pretty soon

    The Oilers need defence and a goalie which they haven't had since Joseph all the other goalies have been over the hill goalies or trash (like Skinner)

  2. Just because you're loosing….doesn't mean you have to be " Losers". That locker room is toxic with " Losers". The Coach has lost control…. he needs to be gone and replaced with a " MAN" who can lead these " Boys" out of being complete disrespectful " LOSERS". That last game against the Canucks…. all I seen out there for Edmonton was " LOSERS" !

  3. Im the game, its 1-0 Oilers. Theres a commercial ad, I switch the channel to monday night wrestling. After commercial, I switch it back to the game, its 3-1 Canucks

  4. Do you wanna know what's really funny just how many first round pics of the Oilers hat over the years from Taylor Hall all the way through they got all these so-called superstars and they've done absolutely nothing goes to show one superstar does not make a team there is no I in team

  5. Ken Holland …… " I am leaving to spend more time with my Family " !!!!!!!! HURRY UP ! reason * $9.2 for a SLUG !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

  7. Been around this team since the WHA/former Dynasty season ticket holder…this is a business 1️⃣st & watched them prematurely dismantle the greatest team in NHL history.

    The clock’s literally ticking on both Leon & Connor’s contracts & Holland’s job. How long is their weak-*ss mismanagement gonna take to look in the mirror & can their coaching staff ? Even Captain Obvious gets this atypical, first solution ⁉️ This puts Holland directly in the crosshairs…that’s why! It’s like admitting HIS plan’s not working…he may go down, f*cking everybody involved, knowing this, sticking with the coach’s, wasting yet another season…long before New Year!!!
    In other words…stay both loyal to his coaches, while temporarily insulating himself, in doing so…screwing over the team & fanbase! Thankfully, the team, media & fans will put the HEAT on his *ss…but the pressure & likelihood of making the playoffs could be long gone, by that time.

    Our goaltending is HARDLY the only player(s) issue. That last skirmish with Hyman/McDavid tells you everything about Edmonton…the rest of the team did very little, took McLeod forever to do something⁉️ They aren’t invested in the game, (including many others, with too many passengers), already checked out…not fooling me. TURNED OFF THE GAME at 5-2 💤, including boycotting the 2 prior to Commonwealth…if they collectively continue to not show up, why should I?
    Woodcroft’s lost the dressing room, knows his bags are packed…that misconduct was icing on his cake.

    Better coaches have been fired, this is a business, nothing personal.


  8. What channel can i watch this broadcast without having to listen to jack michaels that guy belongs on the radio only hes so annoying

  9. I see the oilers been practicing their crosschecks…almost like they anticipated being behind and being angry

  10. Instead of defensively beefing up our blueline, adding proven depth players, (I like Gagner) & dealing with the goaltending…he brings in McDavid’s agent, trying to save the golden goose. The irony being, McDavid/Draisaitl & Nurse are VERY tight & may ALL jump ship! Realistically, with today’s cap challenges, we won’t be able to keep BOTH Connor & Leon. We should’ve moved Nuge after that great regular season…he’s NOT a playoff style hockey player, TOO SOFT, has totally disappeared 3 straight post seasons, (look it up, fanboys). We need the cap space & warrior type winners.

  11. I literally thought canucks needed to call a time out . At the start of the 1st. But, man … i was shocked it didnt take long for oilers too.

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