@Anaheim Ducks

Hockey stat card for Nov 12 vs Sharks, most lopsided of the year.

Hockey stat card for Nov 12 vs Sharks, most lopsided of the year.

by JustAGuyNamedAJ


  1. Turneround08

    These stat cards confuse me, this card makes it look like Leo was the third worst on the team and a liability, when in reality he was dominant out there.

  2. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    And again our second line is the best out there, they are just fantastic as a group.

    Also again, our first line hasn’t been as good as it should. Even though Zegras is gone again, there’s something about the first line that isn’t clicking. They’ve gotten great chances and somehow don’t have that finishing that they need.

  3. Superplexes

    Wow, I was right, who would’ve known. Yet I get downvoted.

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