@National Hockey League

Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty

by Instant-Highlights


  1. Canada_Checking_In

    Every time I see Kariya, my immediate thoughts are always

    1) when he re gained consciousness and fogged his visor lying on his back

    2) after retirement pic of him surfing, absolutely ripped looking like a guy in his mid 20s still in the league

  2. 1nstantHuman

    Missing a couple Niedermayers, Pronger, Giguere

  3. hamhommer

    Selanne is the Mayor of the Honda Centre. The guy has time for all the kids. What a beauty!

  4. agentcheeno

    It was bugging me who the guy on the left was. Guy Hebert for those curious.

  5. AsASAPAsPossibl3

    Those Jofa helmets were somethin’ else, man.

  6. Kariya back in the arena and first thing they show is him unconscious on the ice. Classy

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