@National Hockey League

The good old leg crosscheck

The good old leg crosscheck

by Instant-Highlights


  1. Canadian--

    It amazes me that no one has beat the piss out of him. The dude has speared more nut sacks than i can count. Pulls stunts like this. It amazes me that no one has put a beating on him.

  2. Drai’s a great player, but he can be a bitch tho. Like, why doesn’t he just cup check the guy already, sheesh /s

  3. Havoc_XXI

    I like how he looked directly over towards linesmen like, “you gonna call that or did you even see it…”

  4. Not_Sure_68

    Jeez! What a dick. …and he suddenly remembered how to score?!?

    Well, at least if the Oilers are done throwing games, perhaps there’ll finally be more than six decent teams in the entire Western conference. It’s a joke over there, but that should help the cry babies get into a playoff spot.

  5. Being pissy is the only thing he can do without McDavids help.

  6. LivingMisery

    I’ve never seen that before. Fuckin hilarious.

  7. Supersaiyanmrpopo69

    I used to do this as a goalie when i was young. I’d press my stick in to the back of someone’s knee, and they would buckle hilariously. Fall right on their backs. Some times I did it right before shots from the point, so they would buckle and block the shot for me🤣 they usually got bruises lol. God they also got so mad and tried to beef with me for the rest of the game. I’d do this 2-3 times a game without getting caught, because I do it with 1 hand and its not really noticeable. I also once took a 5 minute spearing major for lifting my stick hard into someone’s nuts who was screening me🤣. Let’s just say people did not want to screen me lol

  8. Seems like something good old Shoresy would do.

    I love it, two thumbs up.

  9. LunarMoon2001

    These are the plays that need significant suspensions tied to them.

  10. Ok_Jacket_5480

    Lol cracked me up in real time, such a weird choice for violence.

  11. I swear, I love that Draisaitl is an Edmonton Oilers. He’s like fucking Mark Messier & Esa Tikkanen rolled into one superstar!

  12. digitalcashking

    Crap move all out! Against Bo the Bison Horvat? Where’s the Islanders beating the crap out of Drai? Can someone please at least take the 5 and take that pos down?

  13. Barzal-13

    And the Islanders proceeded to take a penalty 3 seconds after, not that they would’ve scored on the PP anyway…so this basically never happened. So screw Bo Horvat’s leg I guess.

  14. New coach has the boys trying new stuff. Can’t complain about the result.

  15. ponikweGCC

    Drai has always been a dirty pissy POS. I would love to see karma hit him square in the nuts.

  16. Sr_Raisin_bran

    Clean total dive gotta be more balanced than that if you want to play in the league

  17. The fact that his first point of contact was an illegal crosscheck to the back of the knee of a player falls under rule 9.2 (a,b) and should have been ruled a match penalty. Dangerous and should be reviewed by the league.

  18. Tootz3125

    Out of curiosity, I Have never seen something like this called. Would this just count as a cross check? Or would it by the book be a major for something else? It seems particularly dirty to me but as someone who didn’t play hockey I’m not sure what the call would actually be

  19. Captain_JT_Miller

    This is dangerous, who knows how someone falls after that. Leon plays like a dirty cunt.

  20. Man Drai is a dirty player, he slashes other players, trips them, I don’t remember what goalie it was but he dropped his stick and Drai came up and pushed the goalie stick away so he couldn’t get to it.

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