@Montreal Canadiens

St. Louis Says Habs Looked Fragile vs Tampa But Stayed Alive After Bad Start

Montreal Canadiens lose 5-3 to Tampa Bay Lightning November 7th, 2023.

#habs #montrealcanadiens #tampabaylightning


  1. Right as I said this team is for real, they lose 4 in a row. Not the end of the world but Matheson needs to do better because our slide coincides with his boneheaded play of late, I can say he is partly responsible. Newhook needs to do better too. Allen had a hard night last night, but he has been good. Most of the rest of the top ice time guys are playing good.

  2. It is what it is, I'm just happy they weren't shutout, have a lot of hard games coming up, don't care if they lose most of them, just wanna see them compete and keep scoring, keep it entertaining.

  3. "cost us when the games matter" news, hockey games don't matter, love Matheson's and Newhook's wheels on the rush, but their efforts are flawed, Mathie's turnovers and bad positioning, Newie's lack of playmaking. The rebuild is still a multi 3 year process. Some contracts have to be unloaded to make room for consistent line ups, and Roy in January. Trade for Kent Johnson.

  4. hey drew what do you think is gonna happen when you start off every game slow ? the coach should be fired. every team has talent. the teams that have a good system & play to there teachings will have success. if the system is a successful one. now marty & the brass what "big strong & fast players & & if you not big & strong then you have to be super talented " ….. drew why would that work in a system that plays sit back & counter attack.. LAZINESS breed's laziness!!!!!!! the habs r lazy …

  5. The Habs record could be ugly by the end of this month. I have a feeling many will start looking at the trade deadline, and next year's draft position.
    Pezzetta, should be on the first line.

  6. Habs are fragile with Dach and Savard absent. When are the Habs going to make Joshua Roy and Emil Heineman play?

  7. I think frustration is effecting Amber's judgement somewhat. Pretty dissapointed in the game overall. Anderson is a mystery right now. As for the start of the game I'm pretty sure I could have scored on Jake. Monty came in cold and held the fort. Not impressed with Newhook and we won't even mention Armia. Hopefully a better effort next game. GHG

  8. Last two games have been Men against Boys. Pez and Gally are the only one's who look like they are trying to match that physicality. Arber is becoming a liability with his penalty timing. Two games on the trot he's killed the momentum. Bench him. The last three games have shown we need more size.

  9. Good on you DD for reminding everyone that this is a development season, not a let's go out there and win every game. This should be obvious seeing how MSL sets up his line combos…rarely placing a veteran with the core young players Suzuki/Caufield/Dach/Slaf and keeping the veterans on their own line Pearson/Monahan/Gally. Monahan (who I have been flip flopping on whether I'd like to keep him or sell high on)…the fact he has not been moved to play w/either Slaf or Suzuki/Caufield does not bode well for his future w/Mtl IMO. I would think you want a veteran on a young line to help mentor/add experience but this does not seem to be the MSL philosophy. The Hughes plan seems to be, move out constrictive contracts/veteran players, create a new young "core" and let them progress together under MSL's tutelage, stock up on prospects and creating organizational depth, taking no short cuts (UFAs/make "high profile" additions) along the way. My concern is you need to have the right core group of leaders with a strong system on the ice, for the next generation of prospects to join, or else it just becomes a broken cycle of stagnant growth and non-development. "Patience" has a definite time limit in Habland, so it will be interesting to see what Hughes does this season and see if MSL can continue to positively progress this team.

  10. Matheson was great for the first 8 games but has stunk in the last 2, going -6. His skate-by poke check in his own end is clueless. I taught kids in Bantam that D men who skate towards a forward coming into their end will usually get deked. The overrated coach played Matheson 24.00 minutes in the last game.

    And that deep drop pass on the PP is easily defended. As the puck carrier flies up the ice the other 4 players are forced to stop at the bluel line. The puck is usually turned over and even if the puck carrier penetrates the blue line he is forced to pass to some standing still or shoot it in to be chased by players who are not moving.

  11. Edit: nevermind I'm drunk.

    Small correction, the habs lost by 2 not by 3. Not that this changes anything

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