@National Hockey League

Adam Johnson: Arrest over ice hockey player’s death

Adam Johnson: Arrest over ice hockey player’s death

by elbandito9


  1. ExtraGloves

    This seems crazy. I’ve seen the clip 50 times. It’s horrible but it’s obvious it wasn’t intentional.

    EDIT: Just to clear things up from all these responses. When I say obviously it wasn’t intentional I meant intentionally tried to cause a life-threatening injury or death. As in I dont think he was like let me see if I can kick him in the neck with my skate.

    Do I think he wanted to do something dirty? Most likely.

  2. TTT64yoyo

    Mental. I hope this is purely a box ticking exercise and this merely a formality. Hopfully common sense is applied here.

  3. Ilkley_dipper

    An investigation will always take place if a death occurs. The arrest could well be the stadium manager or background personnel due to negligence. It’s a good example of why you shouldn’t immediately jump to conclusions and say there is no guilt whatsoever. People are far too quick to absolve if it suits their opinion.

  4. lostmyusernameAGA1N

    I feel like he intended on injuring johnson, but not killing him. Also, arrest doesn’t mean he gets convicted or anything. Rest In Peace Adam Johnson

  5. Electrical_Mango_489

    Arrest – He’s being brought in for questioning. Depends if South Yorkshire Police or the Crown Prosecution Service charge him.

    I mean in UK laws, its text book manslaughter. Whilst it may have been accidental and no intent to cause death he did go in to hurt him and accidently killed him. They can’t just let that fly “for the sake of hockey”.

  6. Yeah, manslaughter is typically an arrestable offense.

    How quickly the “oh god you idiots it was totally an accident” crowd disappeared.

  7. WeAreAllFooked

    FTR: I had a coworker die on the jobsite after being struck by an object. We (all employees that were there that day) all had to go and have interviews with the police even though there was no foul-play suspected at all. It’s what happens when someone dies suddenly, the police need to figure out what exactly happened so they can fill out proper reports and documentation for things like insurance and death certificates.

    We were all told that we were required by law to talk to the police because we were witnesses to the incident, and failing to meet with police could land us in trouble/jail.

  8. CircleJerkSchierke

    Oh how I wish I could see all the morons that were calling us idiots and scum of the earth because they thought he was just a poor black guy who couldn’t do no wrong and it definitely had to be an accident DESPITE THIS HAPPENING MULTIPLE TIMES AND THERE BEING VIDEO PROOF.

  9. reddituser3463

    The fact that everyone here has either watched hockey for a long time and/or has played hockey in their lives can watch that video and say for a fact that it wasn’t intentional coming from a player that is known for dirty plays is amazing.

    Also the kicking of the neck might not be intentional but that attempt to make contact could have been. Hence manslaughter and not murder.

  10. BannedMyName

    I just want everybody who has never worn a pair of skates in their life to stop talking about this incident like they’re an expert

  11. LunchboxStringCheese

    How any of you morons think the kick wasn’t intention is beyond me. Clearly intentional. BuT ivE beEn WaTchiNg HocKEy foR 700 YeaRs

  12. AdmiralRon

    It’s cool how many people in this thread seem to fail to grasp the concept of innocence until proven guilty in a trial. Very comforting and not at all indicative of how sociopathic society is.

  13. bigtimechip

    There is another video of the same player doping the same kicking motion years and years ago

  14. Illustrious-Yak-6142

    **Things we know**

    1. Someone has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter

    **Things we don’t know**

    1. Who has been arrested (could be the player, could just as well be the owner/operator of the arena for negligently not having certain safety procedures in place)
    2. Why they have been arrested (what evidence has been gathered that warrants the arrest)
    3. Whether they will be charged (whether the CPS agrees that the threshold has been met to bring criminal charges)
    4. Whether they will be found guilty by a jury

    My expertise: 300 years playing in the NHL, 15 years as the Commissioner of the Met Police, 30 years as a criminal barrister.

  15. Guilty_Fox2043

    *I posted this in another sub, but i feel it is worth explaining here a bit about about how uk law works.*

    I do think its worth reinforcing the fact that arrest in the UK is very different to arrest in the US.

    In the UK you are arrested ‘on suspicion’ of an offence having occurred, primarily to secure evidence by means of formal questioning. It’s fairly common to be asked to attend a police station, formally arrested and cautioned, questioned and bailed (promise to appear, no cash bond) within a few hours. You must be released, bailed or charged within 24 hours of arrest. Police do not make the decision to charge you, that is done on the advice of a crown prosecution solicitor (sort of like a district attorney).

    There is no dragging you straight off to jail for a few days to await a judge once arrested. That comes later if charged.

    In this case, if it is Petgrave, it may well be the case that the police could believe there is potentially something the incident that may amount to manslaughter, so have formally arrested him to question him under caution.

  16. Good. He obviously didn’t mean to murder him but he without a shadow of a doubt intentionally wanted to hit Adam with his leg. The fact he accidentally hit him with his skates is why it’s manslaughter and not murder

  17. Losdangles24

    The more I watch the replay the more convinced I am that he was trying to injure him. I don’t think he meant to murder him, but it was an extremely dirty. He could see and feel the guy that he bounced off and it’s not even forceful enough of contact to swing a fully grown mans leg up like that. He was trying to injure him

    He should never be allowed to play pro hockey again.

  18. KramerMilk

    Accident or not. It’s still manslaughter. Hitting a pedestrian in your car and killing them can be accidental but it’s still manslaughter. Idk why people don’t understand that. This man killed someone.

  19. EnvironmentalCry3225

    And they be cheered for him when he returned to the ice. 🤦

  20. ---BluesDeVille---

    I just finally watched the incident. There’s zero chance the kick wasn’t intentional. Looked to me like he was trying to hit two players. The initial shoulder hit and then try to hit Adam with his legs. I don’t think the death was intentional, but that’s why manslaughter would be the appropriate charge and not murder.

  21. RedeemedShank

    I got downvoted to hell saying this guy was potentially gonna get charged for manslaughter.

    Accident or not, he killed a guy. He’s going to pay the consequences.

  22. Siicktiits

    They won’t name who got arrested…. who else could possibly be arrested for an accident on the ice other than the person who sliced his neck? Did they just arrest some random stadium guy or coach who felt guilty and wrongly thinking he could have stopped a freak accident? Petgrave is the only possible person i could see arrested for anything but this article basically says its not him while saying they cant name the person. Better not be some poor equipment manager that went into an interrogation and said he sharpened the skates for 20 seconds longer or something.

  23. TehSmallLebowski

    But all the fat redditors told me I was a racist right winger for calling this criminally negligent

  24. Accomplished_Box4779

    Too bad there’s not a piece of protective neck equipment that could help prevent this from happening. /s

  25. Anser-Goose-0421

    I first put on a pair of skates at age 3 and have played hockey since I was 4. Been on the ice at least once week, still to this day, for 35 years. I intentionally had not seen the video until today because I didn’t want to see it. Had no clue it was anything more than a hockey play gone wrong and a freak accident. But, after now watching it for the first time (and then watching it over and over)… fuck man. I don’t think Matt, in that split second had any intent to do more than throw a cheap shot there (and I’d have a hard time believing anyone on the ice has an intent to go out there and kill someone), but I for sure think he threw his leg up and kicked him intentionally. Again I don’t think it even crossed his mind that he’d cut Adam or anything, but fuck, I hate to say it looks like a pretty good case for manslaughter here.

  26. Additional-Apple-492

    I played hockey for 15 years. This was no freak accident and the accused is well known as a dirty player who has tried this scorpion kick before. Manslaughter is the appropriate charge as he most likely didn’t plan on killing him.

  27. Lojackbel81

    There was no intent to harm let alone kill somebody. Looks like clear intent to take him out. Reporting live from my reclining sofa.

  28. LUNA_underUrsaMajor

    NHL should be held accountable here as well, maybe neck protection is annoying but the NHL not making something protecting the neck mandatory makes them negligent

  29. Morgentau7

    Man, the amount of people that shit on me for saying that this was manslaughter was insaaaane. And now the police confirms what we could all see on the video: Neglect with Manslaughter. Justice, finally

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