@Vancouver Canucks

Nucksmemes came up with some really good points. If you’re going to the game tomorrow PLEASE don’t boo our former captain.

Nucksmemes came up with some really good points. If you’re going to the game tomorrow PLEASE don’t boo our former captain.

by RayPetersonn


  1. mrtomjones

    Man people here had turned on him even before he was traded. Was fucking dumb. Just got more after the comment which shouldnt be a bigger deal than the rest of his time here where he is somehow blamed for the shit teams Benning put together while almost everyone here shits on Benning for putting bad teams together.

    And man the guy went through a ton as captain. Dealt with race riots in the US where he was expected to comment on shit. He had to comment on a ton of stuff you wouldnt normally expect a captain to have to deal with because of poor leadership from Benning and co. Guy deserves nothing but praise.

    The trade helped solve our weaknesses. That isnt a reason to shit on him or hate him.

  2. mars_titties

    Booing a former captain for such a minor slight while our club is 11-3-1 would be so damn embarrassing. Like Tocchet says, we need to learn to deal with prosperity, people. This is when we show class and magnanimity before watching our Canucks throttle Horvat’s sad sack team.

  3. AidanITC2

    Facts. Bo Horvat was a stand up guy here in Vancouver and ill never forget the stuff he did in the community and his run in the bubble.

    I think alot of people (even commenting on this post) see the comment at face value. There was no intent to hurt or diminish the fans with that statement, Bo doesnt hate the fans, infact he gave everything he could to us (even if it wasnt enough at times). Think about the bubble run, the clutch goals against St Louis etc.

    Even if you think his time as the captain here was unforgettable and underwhelming (I personally do) lets not forget we grew this guy into the player he is today and watch him grow alongside the Sedins from a kid to the captain.

    Excited for the future of this team but booing Horvat is absolutely unnecessary and like nucko said a bad look on the fanbase

  4. thesunsetflip

    Go ahead and boo him, he was the captain for a few years he should know how fickle the Vancouver crowd is.

    Regardless buddy has $64 million dollars he could wipe his tears with. He has his future locked in, he probably couldn’t care less what we think of him

  5. slammedisF

    But the question was “how does this rank for you in playoff pushes, the excitement of this building and the fans involvement the last couple of games?”

  6. SingleSampleSize

    This shit doesn’t help. The people who are going to boo him aren’t going to have their minds changed by whatever the fuck this is. This is just circle-jerk content.

    You’re just making it “cool” to boo because this shit is so weirdly cringe.

    And for transparency sake, I don’t think people should boo him.

  7. Looney_forner

    The only former captain truly deserving of scorn is _that one guy_

  8. TheAngryTartan

    Give him a warm welcome for sure. Played tough minutes even though he was actually more of offensive player. Worked to get better. Would drop the gloves. Was underpaid during his last contract so he went for the bag. Ultimately, the guy seemed to give 100% while he played for the team. All you can ask for.

  9. He was fucked over by management. Just like Bruce was.

    It wasn’t his fault.

  10. I’ve been reflecting on this. More so that I’m now sick as a dog and am missing tomorrow’s game. And man. I’ve started to realize I think we’ve all been in these shoes. Apart of an organization for so long. Things have ups and downs but the management gets really ridiculous. You’re in a position where from your tenure and not being happy starts to seep into the group. It’s nothing to do with anyone else but the way management is. Then you either get let go or move on and you become a new person and want your former players and fans to succeed.

    Lmao idk I’m sick

  11. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpp

    It was a minor slight and we should be cheering not booing, but how do you stretch what he said to be about management? It had nothing to do with management.

  12. Punkermedic

    He deserves a standing o and a tribute montage. Did he off the cuff put his foot in his mouth? Possibly. He also gave his heart to the team for 9 years and was booed and had jerseys thrown on the ice for it. Under the circumstances he was traded, I’d be hurt too, but we bounced back and are better off in the end. Let’s be better and show the man the respect he deserves for the dedication he had for us when he wore our sweater

  13. BulwarkNuck

    He did not “get traded” and management did not “pick Miller” and Horvat doesn’t have a right to feel “disappointed”, his agent explicitly said:

    >“I believe Bo is a number-one centre,” said Morris. “Bo is a 1, a 1A, whatever teams would perceive him to be.”

    And based on this delusion his agent and him, as the captain of the team and a mediocre career 0.67 PPG player who had greatly benefited from playing bumper in one of the league’s best power plays, pushed for 1C money and subsequently *priced himself out of a contract from pure greed and entitlement*.

    Just consider the following: this guy and his agent, thought he was more valuable than JT Miller. More valuable than Pettersson. More valuable than Hughes. And he wanted to be the best paid player on the team. That’s just what happened.

    And the management probably said, “Ok, clearly this guy, this mediocre pick-me, is not someone we want as a captain of the team and without that added value of his character and captaincy we might as well replace him with a much cheaper player who is not delusional — we can find one of his caliber for around three million dollars, or less.” And then they traded him to Islanders, who were actually dumb enough to pay him 1C money and actually give some assets in return. And Allvin probably hung up the phone and said, “Everyone stay cool and lets not get ahead of ourselves… but, lol, you wont believe what they just offered for Bo…”

    And then this mediocre middle six center found some initial success at his new club, riding the confidence he’d gained from fans who’d elevated him to captaincy and into becoming a prominent goal scorer, and he said, smugly, commenting on Canucks missing the playoffs and Islanders making the playoffs: “It’s a lot better than Vancouver, I’ll tell you that for free.”

    Yeah sure, don’t boo him, but holy crap this narrative that he’s some sort of innocent victim of circumstances is absolutely ridiculous. No, he genuinely thought he was worth more than JT, Petey and Hughes and deserved being the best paid player on the team. The only thing he’s a victim of is a grandiose ego. And now he’s going to spend the rest of his career as the anchor contract guy on Islanders instead of as the captain of the Canucks. It was his choice. The mediocre player made a mediocre choice and grabbed the money. And you don’t have feel sorry for him because he can wipe his tears with the 68 million dollar-bills he got from selling himself to the highest bidder.

  14. Jerdinbrates

    I’m paying hundreds of dollars to see live hockey. Don’t tell me who not to boo!
    These are professional athlete millionaires; I’m sure they can handle some light ribbing jfc.

  15. AHAHAH Let’s be real. He is for sure getting boo’d the moment he touches the ice, whether in jest or out of pettiness

    I Hope they will cheer for the tribute video though. He deserves some respect for his time as a Canuck and the time he put into the city, even if it wasn’t during our best years.

  16. JerbearCuddles

    Eh, 3 and 4 I don’t agree with. We wouldn’t be the first city to boo a player that leaves in a weird situation. Also the riot thing is fuckin’ stupid to bring up, but I guess we can’t help ourselves. Like those riots are anything remotely comparable to boo-ing a player. 3rd one I disagree with because, we didn’t choose Miller over Horvat. We offered Horvat a contract. He wanted more money, he got more money. Don’t blame him for it, just disagree that he should feel disrespected. Management didn’t disrespect him.

    Other than that, more or less agree. There’s no real reason to boo him. His dumb comment got blown out of proportion. Although it is at least fun to meme, tell you that for free. But we hated management, why would we hate a player that couldn’t make things work under said shitty management? He gave us some good years, management didn’t give him anything to work with, then he wanted bank. So it made sense for both sides to part ways. It’s crazy how we’ll forget that wild bubble run where he was beasting out. Just cause we traded him.

  17. therealbeef

    It’s too bad Jim Benning can’t come back so we can boo him.

  18. Bo had a tough leadership job after the Sedins and all the other character guys minus Edler and Tanev moved on in his 20’s while still helping out in the community.

    I didn’t care for the last 2-3 years of his tenure but he did what he did with the ruins of this franchise after Benning ran it into the ground.

    I’m glad he got his bag and moved on and we didn’t have to pay it.
    Management turned his trade into a great asset on the blue line and some other support players.

    We have took off like a rocket since he left and he knows it, why boo on top of that.

    Our current players don’t want boos.

    Scoreboard > Boo’s imo.

    Even Mike won’t boo Horvat.

    Let’s have an awesome fun GDT/GT tomorrow.


  19. Flintydeadeye

    He dealt with a lot of things that an absentee owner and gm that was afraid to speak to media refused to do. That was all above his pay grade and being traded after that is reason for anyone to be mad. Don’t blame Bo, blame Aqua man and Benning. Bo’s only playoff push after he was captain was in the bubble without fans. Not hard to say that that’s better than what happened in Vancouver. I would cheer for him if I was at the game.

  20. A_Crazy_Lemming

    Oh these posts…I can’t be the only one to find them cringe right?

    At the end of the day fans will do what fans are going to do and a post on Reddit or instagram isn’t going to change that.

    I would not boo bo but I probably wouldn’t cheer him either, but what gives other people the right to tell other fans what to do?

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