@Tampa Bay Lightning

Ilia MALININ (USA) | Men Free Skating | Saitama 2023 | #WorldFigure

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  1. Where was FIGURE skating. He demonstrated poor skating skills, very basic spins and foot work. The attempts of quads were nice, but only 2 were quite successful.

  2. Ilia Malinin is incredible at jumps, not very consistent (step outs and rough landings) but still incredible. The quad axel is amazing, and he can jump a quad quad combination (I training).

    His artistry and skating skills definitely needs help tho, he’s not skating gracefully or fast and is lacking in hand movements. Not as artistic as Nathan Chen or the Japanese men. Which is sad, cause artistry would be so easy for someone who can perform so many quads. He just needs to dance around a bit and try a simple spiral like an arabesque.

    The biggest problem is his outfit. The sound track is from Euphoria , a show with amazing visuals and outfit design, he definitely should’ve used some glitter (which is a recurring thing in euphoria) on the top and more streaky patterns and perhaps a V-neck or sharp collar. His current outfit just looks like a blue and purple sweater with no design whatsoever.

  3. if u can't even beat cha jun hwa better stop jumping so many quads and focus on improving your skating skills

  4. Didn't the teams of Georgia and Kazakhstan find someone to put in a corner of kisses and tears? besides Putin's coaches from Rashka? Shame on you for supporting a terrorist country!

  5. I'm kinda disappointed. His performance during GP series was better than this. I could clearly feel the energy then; energy that sadly didn't appear here. He's still young and I sorely hope he'd learn more artistry and performance aspect of figure skating.

  6. I think you're overdoing it. After you jump in a position that goes against your nature, after that, the next you fall like a domino. And this competition looks more stressful than Korea's. Difficult poses will make us lose to our own dangers. Jumping a difficult squat doesn't guarantee a score if you don't clean it. But of course, this time in Korea, he did it very clean.

  7. Почему всем не нравится, что Илья много прыгает? Но прыжки, тем более сложные, САМЫЕ КРАСИВЫЕ элементы программы! Да и в смысле артистизма – гнётся он хорошо, не то что у некоторых спина как каменная, скорость высокая. И во вращениях красиво смотрится. Ну, может, программу можно какую-нибудь оригинальную придумать, но интересных программ не так-то и много и у остальных. Ещё и молодой задор у него, поэтому лично мне всегда интересно смотреть выступления Ильи. А у тех фигуристов, кого принято (и заслужено!) расхваливать за артистизм, бесподобные прокаты, кстати, получаются не всегда. Но их всё равно хвалят! Не делайте этого, ПРОШУ!!!, это убивает спорт. Нормально, когда фигуристы меняются местами в турнирной таблице, в зависимости от того, насколько успешно катались в данный момент. Тогда зрители, не зная заранее кто победит, болеют намного азартнее, их эмоции зашкаливают, и, возможно, впечатления от турнира будут настолько яркими, что ими будут делиться годы и годы, и в конце концов с внуками. 🙂

  8. What a potential this skater has!! He’ll get better, he’s in good hands with Rafael Arutyunyan. He’s the type of coach that will let him evolve step by step and I am here to witness it 😊

  9. Wow ! An intense jump reaching the starry confines, a resplendent reception, very fast skating, agile, fluid, clear, what dexterity. Always a pleasure to see and see Ilia Malinin again ! Magnificent, enchanting and exhilarating spin Ilia Malinin has the gift ! This program, this music and this athlete living his performance are a gift from elsewhere. A few moments of hesitation or great concentration. Clean, crisp, precise, clear skating. Everything is in osmosis. Nothing opposes, everything unites. Just perfect, it's a pleasure ! Gorgeous. Mesmerizing and incredible. Power, confidence, beauty, dazzlingness. Strong and sensitive, everything is vibrant throughout. From Ilia emanates strength and sap of youth, vigor and tone, boosting energy. Totally transcendent. Flexibility, virtuosity of highlights. Slow motion is a dream, so many details, so many emotions. Airy & Aerial, elegant, strength and finesse : all in one. A delight. Splendor and tremors, thrills, I love vibes, chills and the Ilia Malinin's style ! I like watching him evolve on the ice and a little above it too. Fantastic timeless moment etched on canvas for posterity. Congratulations

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