@Edmonton Oilers

It’s IMPOSSIBLE For The Edmonton Oilers To Fix This…

The Jack Campbell situation is a sticky one for the Edmonton Oilers, and based on recent results, it’ll be impossible for the Oilers to fix this. Let’s discuss in today’s latest video on Dolynny TV!
#EdmontonOilers #Oilers #NHL


  1. Jack should come back in and be official backup goalie. Make Skinner know he's primary goalie.

  2. Thanks for bringing this up. The Oil goalie situation is F*cked. They should have found another goalie by now and this is all on Holland. Why haven't they tried the guy they brought up? At least so we know where we stand with the backup goalie.

  3. They can give me half of Jacks salary, throw in a beer and a hot dog and I’ll play backup for the oils

  4. I had high hopes for that guy but if he can't turn his game around, a buyout is likely. Maybe they can ship him to another team who will have a lot cap space, over the next few years, and sweeten the pot with a prospect/pick. Or take on another bad contract, in exchange, who could be serviceable and/or easier to buy out.

  5. I do genuinely hope to see Campbell back in an NHL jersey soon, even if it isn’t with Edmonton anymore. Honestly it would probably if it wasn’t Edmonton. 

    Edmonton chews up goalies and spits them out like no other team, and it’s so disheartening to see, especially when it’s a goaltender I really like. I love seeing Skinner play for the Oilers, but I also do sometimes almost hope that he gets traded to a team with a better goaltender situation. It would probably do wonders for his game if he had an actual good, consistent goaltender to learn from, instead of having to try not sink as a starter with very little experience. 

    As much as I want to see certain teams win and succeed, above all of that, I just want to see players play their best and succeed, and Edmonton just doesn’t feel like a place where that can happen right now, maybe sometime in the future, but just not now.

  6. At the same time, Skinner's save % in the last 3 games are .944, .970 and .914… So while I'd like to see his GAA come down a bit, bad games for Skinner seems like a temporary blip, whereas bad games for Campbell (sadly) seems to be the norm. I really feel for the guy. Just when he seems to have broken out, it comes crashing down.

  7. The Campbell and Nurse contracts are an unsolvable problem for the Oilers. I have no huge issues with Nurse's play. He's chaotic and sometimes makes huge errors but he also comes up with huge plays and brings a lot to the team. The problem is that he's being paid like a Norris trophy contender and he isn't one. Campbell is being paid like a starting goaltender and he isn't one. If both of those players were being paid what they deserve the Oilers would have a pile of cap space to use beefing up the bottom six and the right side of the defense. As it is, they just can't afford the players they need.

  8. Wow, I wouldn't mind making 150k a week in the minors and having everyone feel sorry for me. Must be nice! Lol.

  9. It’s crazy that the Campbell contract is almost starting to look worse than nurses contract. At least nurse is playing for the oilers not Bakersfield lol

  10. With the kind of money Daryl Katz has ( $ 4.3 billion) listed by Forbes, he should just buy
    him out, and then find a "proven Goaltender."

  11. I’m really disappointed because Campbell seems like a super nice guy but damn he’s just not cutting it!!

  12. Holland is so screwed. If Skinner gets injured what are Holland's options? Zero, nada. Holland has no options. The sooner they buy Jack out the sooner Holland can shop for a #1 goalie or an NHL back up as opposed to an endless parade of AHL back ups.

  13. If I were in charge of the Oilers, I would spend $300,000 doing whatevever possible to try to rehabilitate Campbell this season: a dedicated coach, a psychologist, a trainer, whatever helps. If that still doesn't help, then buyout the contract. If it works, then great.

  14. The reason why the goalies have sucked for years is thanks to the goalie coach dustin schwartz. Our goaltending has been dogsh** since he took over He should have been fired years ago

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