@Pittsburgh Penguins

NHL Highlights | Devils vs. Penguins – November 16, 2023

Jesper Bratt and Curtis Lazar had a goal and an assist each and Luke Hughes and Erik Haula both supplied a pair of helpers as the New Jersey Devils defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins 5-2.


  1. Хвалёный паpaшник шvaлькин куда то тpycливо спрятался как типичный cpyззкий 😂😂😂😂

  2. 🤩😍😍😁😁Hey at least Pengoons are in 5th place in Metro? 5th place? How do you know? I checked the Standings.

  3. Penguins started off strong and then….oof…they just looked sloppy. So many turnovers, they could start their own bakery. Meanwhile, New Jersey was trying to break their losing streak, so they played serious. GG, Devils.

  4. John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

  5. Devils when they get goaltending not giving up 4+ a night are fine. Issue is, schmid and Vanecek are inconsistent messes.

  6. Ну все Малкин вошел в свою обычную форму.. стал кататься как мешок. Стоило только не много подождать.

  7. Питам нужен был защитник домосед а не Карлссон, с самого начала это выглядило как плохая сделка, им видимо больше нравится продавать мерч чем бороться за кубок стенли, могли бы Гудоса подписать один из лучших домоседов, Анахайм напорядок меньше стал пропускать как он там оказался

  8. Оборона пингвинов сегодня была дырой… Глупая потеря в средней зоне, и одной-двумя передачами дьяволов обрезалась вся защита.

  9. Sloppy game by the penguins but give the devils credit,they played harder towards the end of the game

  10. Devils storming back like they're on a power play all period! Pittsburgh, your winning streak just got checked into the boards by New Jersey's comeback. Bratt and Lazar lighting the lamp like they're trying to signal Batman.

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