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Graeme Swann’s stunning tirade on former teammate Kevin Pietersen – CRICKET NEWS

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Graeme Swann’s stunning tirade on former teammate Kevin Pietersen – CRICKET NEWS
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  1. It’s always hard to know as an outsider however Swan always came across as a good guy and KP a bit of a flog. Both good players though in this Aussie supporters eyes but the team will always struggle no matter how good it is if there’s a flog in there.

  2. KP used to have a photo of himself on the inside of his helmet which is why he kissed it when he made a score.

  3. Swann was a cancer in the dressing room. Horrible, nasty and a bully

    Made to look good in a decent english team but average cricketer. Prior was the same

    The fact he retired after three tests coz we were getting spanked shows the character of the man. What a prick

  4. Saw Pieterson interviewed once. He said "it isn't easy being me you know". He really meant. I wast said as joke.

  5. Swann, to me, is the England captain who quit halfway through an ashes series! A rat deserting a sinking ship! As far as bullying is concerned, Swann seems like the kind of guy who likes to single people out and leave them feeling isolated!

  6. Never liked KP. Now he’s a commentator I have to turn the sound off. Always talking about himself. Undermining other commentators. Belittling everyone around him. “You could never hit a ball” to Nick Knight “You bowled about as well as a second team player” to Danny Morrison… KP makes Geoff Boycott seem humble.

  7. Swann ruined any legacy he may of had when he bottled out, mid series. Pietersen moaning about being bullied is comedy gold.

  8. Are we talking about the Graeme Swann who walked out on his teammates half way through the tour cos he couldn’t handle being beaten. Badly. Spineless twat

  9. Why do you have to hire players from foreign countries, because english bullies are not confident enough of their strengths. You have guys like Jarvo(a bully) but you could never produce players like KP, that’s for sure.

  10. Swann is a complete snake who left a series in the middle of it and now is playing I was a great team mate card! Kevin wasn't the only one who said the bullying was bad plenty of others said it

  11. I lost all the respect I had for KP when I found that he had mocked JAmes Taylor for his heart related illness. He is god awful in the comm box too.

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