@National Hockey League

Olivier vs Deslaurier

Olivier vs Deslaurier

by Instant-Highlights


  1. KFBR392293

    These type of fights will be the end of fighting in the game. I’m find with organic frustration leading to fights but two shitty players squaring up for no reason but to make themselves relevant is dumb as hell.

  2. ButteredOrgasMuffin

    Wasn’t sure of they were actually gonna go. Rock ’em sock ’em and a pats on the helmets. Gotta love hockey!

  3. Welderkev24

    Thatโ€™s what you call a good old fashioned tilt boys

  4. think_fast-run_fast

    Love it! Love the show of respect at the end of the dance. True gentlemen

  5. I still canโ€™t imagine a bare-knuckled punch against a helmet.

  6. tootootoofar

    Showed the ending to my girlfriend. Her reaction “that’s so cute!” ๐Ÿคฃ

  7. Deraj2004

    “I’m getting tired, you?”

    “Same, we good?”

  8. boverton24

    Lmao those boys thought they were boxers for a minute

  9. DaniCapsFan

    Damn, that was a good fight. And gotta love how they decide, okay, that’s enough as they tap each other’s helmets.

  10. Why does everyone think this was such a great fight? Yeah, big boys, professionalism, sportsmanship, all there, I get that. But like…. maybe 2 punches landed. Held each other at arms length until they wore each other out. I’d give it a 5.

  11. God damn I love a tilt like this. 100% respect, good show for the fans, and stand up for the boys. Love it.

  12. GrunDMC74

    I love hockey. Two guys square off, refs just give them space. Other players coast lazily around the ice, no big deal. Any other sport, fight is a multi game suspension, finesโ€ฆ

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