@Anaheim Ducks

Your weekly /r/anaheimducks roundup for the week of November 13 – November 19

**Monday, November 13 – Sunday, November 19**

###Top videos

| score | comments | title & link |
| 39 | [12 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xl10u/mason_mctavish_talks_playing_in_california/) | [Mason McTavish Talks Playing in California](|
| 34 | [6 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vbp8j/leo_carlsson_and_isac_lundeström_interviewed/) | [Leo Carlsson and Isac Lundeström interviewed while playing golf. With english subtitles](|


###Game thread comments

| score | comment |
| 142 | /u/kookforaday said [​](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vkrva/post_game_thread_november_14_2023_anaheim_at/k9b6kvp/?context=5) |
| 79 | /u/DBacon1052 said [“Gibby will never play another game for the Ducks”](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vkrva/post_game_thread_november_14_2023_anaheim_at/k9b6j3i/?context=5) |
| 61 | /u/Kellysmurphy said [Tough 2-2 loss tonight.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xzruo/post_game_thread_november_17_2023_florida_at/k9qho9a/?context=5) |
| 55 | /u/Lineman72T said [I’m not gonna sit here and say the Ducks should beat the Avs. What I will say is tonight the Ducks looked like a team that flew 2000 miles, played a tough game, then immediately hopped on a plane to f…](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17we96z/post_game_thread_november_15_2023_anaheim_at/k9gmtg1/?context=5) |
| 51 | /u/Boring-Cobbler572 said [Not an Anaheim fan, but that was a clear goal.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xzruo/post_game_thread_november_17_2023_florida_at/k9qhsxi/?context=5) |
| 49 | /u/adamend said [Easy game jacket for Gudas. Goal, assist, fight, broken leg.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vkrva/post_game_thread_november_14_2023_anaheim_at/k9b6g6n/?context=5) |
| 47 | /u/DBacon1052 said [LETS FUCKING GOOO! FUCK THE PREDS!](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vkrva/post_game_thread_november_14_2023_anaheim_at/k9b6d8n/?context=5) |
| 44 | /u/popculturetommy said [](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vkrva/post_game_thread_november_14_2023_anaheim_at/k9b6uxa/?context=5) |
| 38 | /u/supremegnkdroid said [you can’t say anything that won’t convince me that this was rigged. Blatant cross checks and trips not called after that no goal](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xzruo/post_game_thread_november_17_2023_florida_at/k9qhp74/?context=5) |
| 36 | /u/bm97 said [The Gibby and Gudas special](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vkrva/post_game_thread_november_14_2023_anaheim_at/k9b6dey/?context=5) |


###Top Remaining Posts

| score | comments | title & link |
| 216 | [28 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17vktew/anaheim_ducks_win_again_gudas_with_a_two_point/) | [ANAHEIM DUCKS WIN AGAIN! GUDAS WITH A TWO POINT NIGHT! VAAK WITH HIS FIRST NHL GOAL FOR THE GAME WINNER! DUCKS BREAK THE RECORD FOR MUST THIRD PERIOD COMEBACKS IN THE FIRST 15 GAMES OF THE SEASON! You know what time it is. PLAY THAT DUCKING GIF](|
| 198 | [9 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17uj7yg/_/) | [🦆🦆🦆](|
| 148 | [7 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xzzmf/ducks_twitter_getting_a_little_salty/) | [Ducks Twitter Getting a Little Salty](|
| 100 | [22 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17u4l21/i_thought_having_a_rookie_class_of_z_and_drysdale/) | I thought having a rookie class of Z and Drysdale was nuts but Leo and Minty are just spoiling us|
| 95 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17u3wvl/the_ducks_win_again_the_italian_stallion_frank/) | [THE DUCKS WIN AGAIN! THE ITALIAN STALLION FRANK VATRANO SCORES TWO GOALS! SOAP WITH HIS 7TH OF THE SEASON! GUDAS GETS A GOAL! You know what time it is. PLAY THAT DUCKING GIF!](|
| 94 | [3 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17yjghe/me_for_the_last_18_hours/) | [Me for the last 18 hours](|
| 87 | [71 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xzi9d/the_refs_are_getting_investigated_tn_right/) | The refs are getting investigated tn right ???!!|
| 63 | [2 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17xzzkf/theyre_not_even_trying_to_hide_it_anymore/) | [They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.](|
| 63 | [7 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17y001a/robbed/) | [Robbed](|
| 63 | [15 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/17yhkh9/looks_over_the_line_to_me/) | Looks over the line to me.|


by subredditsummarybot

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  1. subredditsummarybot

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    ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/anaheimducks or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

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