@Ottawa Senators

Swede Emotion | Coming in Hot LIVE – November 20

The Ottawa Senators return home from Sweden with 2 big wins. The boys have a lot to discuss including, what the recent success means to the group. Would they like to see changes to the overtime format. And of course, we will have another look at the potential goal of year from Tim Stützle.

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  1. I'm thinking that maybe they should think about D pairings differently than what is the norm where you have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pairings. Why not have 3 more or less equal pairings with Chabot, Sanderson and Chychrun each playing around 20 minutes on the left side so you've always got a number 1 D on the ice and since they're playing 20 minutes they can go all out and fly. Pair two of them with Zub and JBD who has shown me that he belongs. Then decide on another RD. Maybe one with some physical game but with enough skill to play with any of the LD. I know Chabot doesn't have the shot the other two have but I like him on the PP because he gets better results but the other 2 are not bad either. Good problem to have. Plus you have great insulation against any injury that might crop up here or there.

    They just need to tinker a bit with depth up front and they can be quite a serious competitor for years to come. I'm not a fan of either Tarasenko or Kubalik and would prefer more physical types but I don't mean 4th liners. Smarter people than me could probably find them.

  2. Wally you were not thinking Joseph as a trade piece at the start of the year solely based on the contract 😂 we all thought he'd be shit

  3. I agree, the point system could be tweaked. There's a couple different ideas I like, but right now I'm leaning more toward a system of

    Regulation WIN = 3points

    OT win = 2points (both teams get 1pt for going to overtime. OT winner gets 1 bonus point).

    SO win = 1 point (if a game goes to a shootout, the winning team receives 1pt and the losing team forfeits their overtime point, receiving 0points in the loss)

    I think a system like that would put pressure on teams to win in regulation. At the very least add a level of urgency to AVOID a shootout.

  4. You just know if anything good/bad happens with Brannstrom, you can guarantee York will regurgitate the same old garbage about him not fitting.

  5. I think Reimer got jumpscared because he didn't see the puck until it was between his eyes with Timmy winding up

  6. I'd rather Stützle get one point every two games and the Senators play defensive low scoring hockey then to put up three or four points every other game. It's all about team points not individual points

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