@National Hockey League

What kind of question is this?

What kind of question is this?

by Instant-Highlights


  1. jigglywigglydigaby

    The biggest question in hockey is how Spector hasn’t been knocked out by a player yet

  2. greysqualll

    Honestly I would love to see McDavid lean into hating the press like drai. “Actually I think our PP and D is firing on all cylinders right now spec. We just had some bad bounces is all. And yeah I’ll take 7-5 any day, *they don’t ask how they ask how many right??*”. Just really give it to em. What are they gonna do, make his life harder? They’re doing the best they can at that already.

  3. kajikiwolfe

    A super annoying one, and he’s asked it before??

  4. SovietHockeyFan

    JFC Connor wanted to reach down his throat and rip out that dude’s spine

  5. Rarecandy31

    It’s a question designed to annoy the player and elicit a response that generates clicks and views to the reporter’s website/pages which sign his paychecks. Journalism has been dead for awhile.

  6. Tbloctothorpe88

    He looks O-L-D (as my great aunt says about herself 🙂

  7. mackharp0818

    Jesus, McDavid is the oldest looking 26 year old I’ve ever seen. I’m 47 and you would have a hard time saying Connor looks younger. Edmonton will have that affect on people.

  8. loumarjackson

    just come home to toronto already. get out of that loser organization

  9. ThicccGrizzly

    Fuck Mark Spector. What a bum. Revoke his media pass please

  10. I stopped being interested a very, very long time ago with media in sports, most notably player interviews. It’s a complete joke. The questions are the exact same and the answers are practiced by the players direct from the PR team. I just enjoy the games and leave it at that.

  11. Read the title of the post

    Thought. I bet that’s Spector asking an idiotic question. Then clicked the video to listen.

    Proven right.

  12. Strong_Special_8924

    Ya gotta hand it to McDavid. He puts up with some dumb shit.

  13. monumentvalley170

    I’m sure it will happen sooner or later. Someone will just drop one of these guys. Canadian media are the worst dicks when it comes to hockey. It will probably happen in Toronto after a first round elimination

  14. Away-Answer-

    Spector gets a high from asking ridiculous questions

  15. Hanging_Aboot

    It’s kinda crazy to think but if McDavid was drafted by 28 out of the 29 other teams, he’s likely won a couple cups, is the most beautiful man alive and I’ll say it, he would be guaranteed to be dating Taylor Swift right now.

    But those fumes in Edmonton man.

  16. horstwurzlitz

    Spector is pretty shit. An idiot and I’m sorry the City of Edmonton is stuck with him as their guy with Sportsnet.
    He isn’t good, never has been. Either he is an ultra homer or a shit disturber depending on what his team is doing.
    He is a full embarrassment to sports journalism.

    (Not from Edmonton)

  17. LAKBurner

    What a stupid question. Not a McRef fan, but he handled it well.

  18. Waffles_Remix

    “Connor, would you rather never have to pee again or never have to fart again?”

  19. as a cbj enjoyer my answer would be “i just want to win games”

  20. juicygoosy921

    i think for the oilers it’s prolly better to just try to win… they’re trash rn

  21. TheFrozenCanadianGuy

    How come Connor keeps saying defence is their problem and priority but they aren’t out scoring teams either.
    Connor needs to have the C ripped off his chest.

  22. mlakustiak

    Next time Spec asks this question someone better knock him the fuck out

  23. v13ragnarok7

    Ask Drai that next time. These questions and critiques are only adding to the problem. They should isolate themselves from the media and not let these guys in their dressing room. Focus on the game and what needs to be done.

  24. luzer_kidd

    I’ve been running strategies over and over and over again in my head. I’m starting to think that the team who let’s in the least amount of goals has the best chance at winning games.

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