@Ottawa Senators

Now THIS is Ironic..

OK Guys, its time to take a look at the recent news surrounding the Ottawa Senators forward Shane Pinto.. Who has been suspended 41 games by the NHL for gambling related reasons. This! Is! Ironic!

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  1. Plot Twist, this is straight from the NHL themselves..
    "The National Hockey League announced today that it has suspended NHL player Shane Pinto for 41 games for activities relating to sports wagering. The League's investigation found NO EVIDENCE THAT PINTO MADE ANY WAGERS ON NHL GAMES. The NHL considers this matter closed, absent the emergence of new information, and will have no further comment.

    What was he betting on? A Horse race? and what does it have to do with hockey? lol, kind of strange.

  2. 41 games, so id say it's pretty safe to assume he was betting on or against his own team. If he was just betting on other teams, i dont see a problem with that. But if ur betting on your team, that's where u have to draw the line. in my humble opinion! 😉 Another great video Junkie!! Thanks brother.

  3. NHL a promoter of gambling, and they wonder why some players are caught with this shit . It's like putting a bowl of candies in front of kids and saying don't touch.

  4. A 41 game suspension for gambling on other sports?
    It's no secret that the NHL pencil pushers are a bunch of dumbasses but have they started doing crack as well?

  5. Your show is very entertaining and spot on about the gambling it should be treated as any other addiction with and players get the help they need but when the league itself is addicted to money with a bunch of filthy rich owners calling the shots who can make scapegoats of players like pinto only the players association can protect themselves and they should address it

  6. suspend him 41 games for sports wagering yet they make him wear a gambling sticker on his helmet…no wagers on NHL games but isn't gambling legal…

  7. So; more than half the refs are buyable, the cup finalists are probably already decided, the gambling apps peetty much decide how some game are going to play out, Bettman would sell his own mother for another Cup in the south; but the guy is ssuspended 41games for gambling. Make up your mind NHL. We corrupt or not ? Embrace it

  8. Man has BET99 on his helmet along with ads everywhere in the arenas or on tv but he can’t bet ?? WHACKO

  9. I'd bet the NHL doesn't really care about Pinto betting. I'd give two to one odds that the NHL sees this as a selling point. You could parlay this situation with a bet that the Jets leave Winnipeg and the Leafs don't win the cup. I'd put money on that.
    Will Pinto now become the advertising face for responsible betting for the NHL. I'll lay odds on that.

  10. The NHL is f*cking hypocrite. THEY allowed gambling on their games. So a player betting on other sports is a black eye for the NHL?


  11. Honestly pretty disgusting move by the NHL if it's true that he wasn't even betting on the NHL.

  12. I'll bet you $20 I can get any of you gambling by the end of the day….I'll give ya 3 to 1 odds…no? 5 to 1???….OK 10 to 1….I'm gonna get ya…I don't know how, but I'm gonna get ya.

  13. How can the NHL judge this kid when the NHL are the greedy douchebags who are supporting gambling . The worst greedy douche is Wayne Gretzky. I'm almost ready to switch it off .

  14. After not watching pay TV for more than a decade, I was shocked to see how much gambling ads there were during NHL games when I did finally watch on the TV. That in itself is pretty sad, never mind this young lad.

  15. To say it's ironic, is a complete understatement. What this league has become under Bettman is despicable imo. GHG

  16. Two points…and I'm just throwing this out there…
    1.) How can a guy get suspended by an "employer" when he's not under contract with said employer? I mean. He should be able to do what he wants while he's "unemployed" and not taking a paycheck from anyone.
    2.) How is it that he can serve a 41 game suspension from a league he's not playing in? Shouldn't his suspension start AFTER he signs a contract?

  17. So, players that do dangerous hit to the head have the chance to get a lot less game suspensions than someone who bid on NHL games… what a crazy world we live in.

  18. They pretty much all do it, including the league and team owner…. it's just this guy got caught. Sport bet is much more income than the league itself. All sports do it, and they all have ghost broker do it for them.

  19. "Boarding" an opposing player, risking injuries to his face, his brain and his neck? 2 minutes and also slap the victim with a 2 minutes for "roughing" if he dares to fight back after the dirty hit he just received.

    Betting on games, while the NHL is trying to shove gambling down everyone's throats? 41 games.

    The credibility and consistency of the NHL? Not found…

  20. 41 games for not betting on NHL and everyone is happy rumors are AHL betting
    And Batherson is still under the scope for the world juniors scandal

  21. so he isn't signed to a team, isn't actively playing, and yet the nhl gives him a 41 game suspension for betting on games for what I'm assuming is a fine print technicality? screw Gary Bettman

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