
Former NHL ref Tim Peel calls out Edmonton Sportsnet reporter Mark Spector

by Benchamb


  1. HottyMcDoddy

    tim peel is one of the dumbest people in hockey idk why we’re posting shit he thinks on twitter. guy is completely unhinged and deserves zero attention.

  2. iconodule1981

    Edmonton may just be the craziest hockey market of them all.

  3. Jack_Polo

    I’ve never felt stronger about rooting for neither person in a spat like this. Booooooooooooooo

  4. Excellent-Medicine29

    Two idiots arguing about who’s worse at their job. Comical

  5. Snakepit92

    Hmmm. I don’t like Peel, but Spector is probably the biggest clown around

  6. I’m not a big fan of Spector but Tim Peel is a colossal douche.

  7. PeteysHurtAgain

    Holy shit

    I still hate Tim Peel but this is great.

  8. all_these_moneys

    This is like watching two 40+ year old guys who peaked in high school argue about whether “it was a touchdown or not”.

  9. NolaBrass

    “Never played the game” is a bold take from a guy who not only never played the game, but who actively tampered with the integrity of the game and got caught doing it on a microphone. Why does this clown even think he can talk about the sport anymore?

  10. arseking15

    Whenever i read “never played the game” or “been around the game” i immediately assume the person who has said that has a negative iq

  11. Dr_Mickhead

    Heartwarming – the worst people you know are fighting


    Notice in the second photo a response from Mark at 11:31 PM is conveniently not screenshot which is interesting as Tim was the last to respond at 11:30 PM.

  13. grandlinegooner

    You know how fucking mad you gotta be to type an exclamation mark instead of an apostrophe?

  14. PaperMoonShine

    Im disappointed that Oilers fans haven’t tossed this guy out of the city by now. What a leech.

  15. Big_bruv_luv

    I don’t even know how you get your phone to display that font.

  16. Geeseareawesome

    This wasn’t on the bingo card

    All you season bingo card creators gotta up your game

  17. slafyousilly

    I’m honestly just surprised Tim Peel can read. I thought he was blind

  18. Unintuitive_Nickname

    Gotta find it funny that the ref uses 30 point font on his texts.

  19. “I’ve been very good to read for my whole career”

    Yes, very good, Mark. You keep applying yourself.

  20. Tim peel is one of the few refs whose name I remember, and it’s precisely because of how terrible he was at his job.

  21. Cartz1337

    The fact that this is clearly taken from a referees phone and the text is above standard size and bolded is just fucking killin me.

  22. DagetAwayMaN421

    Tim Peel, who got suspended and fired because he was giving out penalties for no reason at all, has this to say….

  23. jimmymeeko

    Man, Spector is a clown and I don’t think anyone out there takes him seriously, but holy fuck Tim peel takes the cake.

    Guy has no self awareness and goes around acting like he’s some wise hockey guru despite his dishonourable discharge from the NHL. Have some feel and just fade away, Tim.

  24. relative_iterator

    Tim “no game management” Peel can fuck off.

  25. Perfect600

    Tim peel is a fucking tool.

    This should say a lot because Mark Spector sucks

  26. usernicktaken

    Mark Spector is terrible at his job, so was Tim Peel.

    Both of them so just go away.

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