@National Hockey League

Hard to argue that

Hard to argue that

by Alternative-Pay6464


  1. Sandbartender

    If your gonna make a two player list, why don’t you make a one person list and call it a list. Most listless list that ever was listed.

  2. Roguemutantbrain

    Man Barkov is just so underrated. Does anybody even know about this guy? Real hidden gem.

  3. Anybody complaining just doesn’t understand binary.

  4. witwar101

    This is ridiculous. Everyone knows that Nik Antropov was the second best of all time. And Gretzky barely edges him out of number one

  5. Ah yes, NHL legend and future first ballot Hall-of-Famer Aleksander Barkov.

  6. thatguy11

    What?! Where the hell is Kris Barch if not frickin #2!?!? I don’t care for it at all!

  7. unfit_spartan_baby

    Someone get this hack out of Bobby Orr’s spot

  8. HardOyler

    Took two seconds and found the list. Bobby Orr #2. Not sure what this jabroni is talking about.

  9. Murky-Smoke

    I know this is satire, but it upset me far more than I think was intended.

    I now need a new phone and stitches on my forehead.

  10. GlassJoe87

    Offense / Defense / Physical game

    Gretzky was great at 1 of them

    Bobby Orr was great at all 3

  11. Who’s this Gretzky guy? He can’t be that much better than Barkov, could he?

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