@Arizona Coyotes

The latest Arizona Coyotes arena news and timeline

I’d be lying if I said this vagueness and lack of clarity from the team didn’t make me anxious…

by captain_catman_


  1. CuriousCelebration92

    I’m at work and can’t pull the video, and didn’t see any articles. I hate to ask but what’s the gist? Does the Yotes future in AZ look bleak?

  2. AddictionsExWives

    At the fan event on October 28th, they said roughly 45 days they would be making an announcement, which would take us out to December 12th? That was the old date.

    After that they have 2 weeks to announce something to adhere to their new internal deadline. A really tough ask when that last week has, at minimum, one day where folks won’t be working. Keep in mind, a lot of folks take extra time off at the end of the year so they don’t burn PTO.

    Deals and proposals like this take a lot of work and a lot of people. Very concerning that they keep having to push back their own deadline.

  3. Alarming-Link-7081

    I hope that its just theyre waiting because the deal is being finalized. But it may be a pipe dream, all i know is hockey belongs in the desert this team has so much potential and it would kill me to see the state of AZ lose this team right before they could explode into a consistent playoff team (again maybe a pipe dream)

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