@New Jersey Devils

Apparently the Devils org decided to stop letting opposing fan clubs raid/walk on the ice post game anymore

They’re for sure bringing back trying to keep Prudential red and black for the playoffs if we play any near by teams

by Glum-Professional925


  1. Kinda funny the Devils would care now. Certainly seem like they would rather sell seats than care who sits there. That’s the impression they have always given anyway.

    Maybe one of the owners may the decision, but they have their fingers in every sports pie, hard to see them caring either.

    Outside of playoffs, I don’t really care all that much. If they spend all that money on group seats and they offer the perks then they should still get them.

  2. onederbred

    “No legitimate reason”

    Like the Isles are letting rival teams fans do this on their ice. Go back to Long Island and fuck yourself

  3. I had to sign a waiver to get on the ice and there’s a line in the release about not being allowed to wear any opposing teams gear

  4. They really call it embarrassing for not letting them flaunt their team on opposing ice? Fuck off.

  5. I honestly think this is a bit of an overreaction, I really don’t think its that deep. If they paid for the tickets and weren’t hooligans, just let them take their picture with their jerseys on and stuff. For those saying “well the Isles banned it too” yeah the Isles are wrong too, thats Lou being weird, we know that all too well.

  6. chaos0xomega

    Eh, who cares. I’ve seen group outings do similar at other teams barns. It happens, it’s just generally less common outside of the tristate area because there usually aren’t this many teams within spitting distance of one another. Only reason we don’t have Devils fans taking photos like this on the Rangers, Flyers, or Islanders ice is because we have the good sense not to give our rivals that kind of money.

    Honestly the whole overreaction to this makes our fanbase look fragile and overly sensitive.

  7. Seems shitty to do to a group that’s already purchased their tickets. I didn’t love the picture of the Rangers fans on the ice, but this just feels like a reactionary move to avoid bad optics. Do it moving forward, sure, but within a week of the scheduled event? Honestly kinda bush league

  8. Der-Rufmeister

    Wow. At this point in time, there’s 5 true Devils fans and 5 cucks. Stop being being so goddamn soft you pussies.

  9. Laymans_Terms19

    I honestly didn’t know these things were happening until I saw the stink about the Rags fans doing it, and apparently it’s been going on for years without anyone really giving a shit so them doing it is obviously a nothing burger in the grand scheme of things.


    The first thing I saw about it was Rags fans using it to dunk on the Devils. That may not have been one of the people actually involved doing it, but if they’re gonna use the pics to shove it in the home team’s face then it’s right to shut it down. That’s kind of on the organizers to make sure the activity isn’t used to be antagonistic. They couldn’t, so privilege rightly revoked. Other arenas have the same policy, so tough noogies I guess.

  10. PaddyKaner

    Seems like it’s always been a rule and they just never enforced it.

    Was bound to happen after the rangers game.

  11. FilmNerdasaurus

    This is pure speculation since there’s no stated reason why but I wonder if it’s a logistics issue

    Devils game Tuesday
    Seton Hall Basketball Wednesday
    Dojo cat Thursday

    Could be loading in and need the arena cleared up asap post devils game

    Or they decided to crack down on opposition fans on the ice

  12. Johnborkowski

    ~~Chicken Fingers that are edible~~

    ~~Opposing teams fans taking over the ice for a silly picture that doesn’t hurt anyone~~

    Cheaper beer prices

    Competent defense and consistent goaltending

  13. Anyone who actually cares about this needs to touch grass. Who gives a shit if they’re paying?

    Y’all need to find more to life then just being a devils fan if you’re that upset over this.

  14. scarlet_stormTrooper

    Good fucking riddance. This is fucking New Jersey. Fuck the Rags. Fuck the Isles. Fuck Philly. Fuck the Pens.


  15. Lol it was a tough fucking look after Saturday, totally for this

  16. flowerblossom2308

    I think I’m mostly confused WHY people of other teams so badly want to be on not their teams ice? Personally would not really care to be on opposing teams ice since they aren’t my team???

  17. Grimmer026

    I think they should be allowed on the ice… but only with Scott Stevens, keep your head up!

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