@St. Louis Blues

Post Game Thread: St Louis Blues at Arizona Coyotes – 22 Nov 2023


STL wins, 6 – 5 .

[ Boxscore](


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by HockeyMod


  1. callmepaulwall

    That game had about as many goals stuffed in it as food I plan to eat over the next 3 days. Happy Thanksgiving BluesBros!

  2. alexgetty

    Are we done with the Yotes this season? Feeling like a covid year. Happy eat until you faint day, y’all!

  3. surfleonardo

    Such an entertaining game with perfect finish!! LGB!!

  4. A_Berry_Nice_User

    2-0, and two dates with the girl I asked out. Guess I’m going for a third soon!

  5. jormun8andr

    ugly game but at least we are solidly in WC1

  6. fatginger71

    WC1 at Thanksgiving is not something I would’ve bet money on but it is awesome to see

  7. Ugly win, but an important one against a division rival. Nice to see that we can find ways to win important games like that

  8. Anangrylavalamp

    That was a wild game but at least we won

  9. Oldwoodguy

    Hofers been great. Hayes, Schenn, Neighbs, Colt, Leds, all looked great. Haven’t been impressed with Kyrou. Punyvich scares me with his 1 on 1 turnovers. As far as scoring goes we’re solidly better on the kill than the pp. wtf is that? Fuck those mangy desert dogs. LG🤘

  10. Takeaways:

    1. Hofer is the first star of this game. It could’ve kept spiraling out of control but he shut it down. Rare off night for Binner, glad they were all able to pick him up after he’s carried them all year.

    2. Neighbours was a menace out there. Hope he develops into the true top six winger that we desperately need.

    3. Kyrou needs to get out of his own head. He could realistically have 15 goals this year with all the high quality chances he gets. What I do like is that Chief keeps throwing him out there and that he keeps shooting. It’s gonna start going in eventually.

  11. Pantsman1084

    3 Stars of the Game (Unofficial)

    ⭐ – Joel O-fer

    ⭐⭐ – Hayes

    ⭐⭐⭐ – Saad

    File this one under “a win is a win”. I don’t know what the takeaway from this game is, but it sure was fun to watch. 10 goals through two periods and both starting goalies pulled before the 30 minute mark, two shorties in one PK? Something superstitious was definitely happening in Arizona tonight. Hofer was clutch coming in and shutting down the Yotes, Hayes had some important faceoff wins in the last few minutes and a couple of breakaways including the game winner. Saad looked good and got a couple of points. Our PP is still just broken, but as long as we’re getting 5 on 5s like we’ve been it probably won’t matter much.

  12. Greenzubat23

    Leading the league in SHGs, last in PPGs. Amazing

  13. Dark_Tint

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

  14. reenactment

    thats what im talking about. none of that pussy shit. just strait wins.


    that being said, our PP is broken. No fix. The only thing I can see as a fix is Vrana and Bolduc. We don’t have that shot we used to have with tarasenko and Perron. Those 2 are the closest things.

  15. BettyWhite-666

    Liam O’Brien is quickly becoming a dude that I would love to see get caved in every shift.

  16. QuarterNote44

    Yooo somehow I forgot it was GameDay. Too busy prepping stuff I guess. Thankful for a Blues W tho. LGB!

  17. AutumWind0

    Gotta love good ole fashioned cowboy shootout. YEEEEEEEHAW! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  18. chefboyerdee1

    Torpo is the player we wanted kostin to be

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