@Edmonton Oilers

It Just Keeps Getting Worse

#nhl #hockey #edmontonoilers

The Edmonton Oilers lost 6-3 to the Carolina Hurricanes & we saw a side of Connor McDavid that we haven’t seen in a very long time in the NHL.


  1. You know it's not the players that are bad when they've had more 1st overalls than any other team over the last like, at least 30 years, has THE best point producer in NHL history, and the 1st and 2nd best players in the NHL, tons of other talent, and you still don't win shit.

    It's been a long time problem of the Oilers that their owner is super involved in the team and the decisions made. He's just a rich guy that was also a fan so he bought the team and made it his personal play thing. If he just got out of the way, and left hockey to hockey people, they would win Cups.

    They badly need a goalie. They keep getting guys thinking they'll be okay but they aren't trying for really high level guys. If you have the 2 best players in the NHL, in their prime, you can afford to send off some top grade prospects to get yourself a top tier goalie.

    But, I'm not a fan so I don't care.

  2. See, when Auston Matthews had a bad season, he did something for his team. He turned into a defensive powerhouse as a center. Obviously things weren't going his way, so he HELPED HIS TEAM IN WHAT WAY HE COULD. I get that mcdavid is a star player, but how about being a star teammate and help your shitty defense and goalie succeed? maybe then you'll see some success.

  3. Here's the question I have: what are the odds Draisitel is traded? McDavid is untouchable. But Dri, i think is a possibility. Edmonton fans, what would it take?

  4. Connor McDavid is the best player in the world still idc. But its hard for a single person to get points when they are just a bad overall team right now… Him and Drai are a crazy good duo as we know. But its true. They aren't playing well defensively and it has to start with that as a wholee.

  5. Honestly I don’t really have much of an issue with Skinner, it’s not his fault his team sucks. The defensive breakdown and non-coverage is so much bigger of a problem, it’s so bad.

  6. remember when stuart skinner was nominated for the calder last year instead of wyatt johnston, matias maccelli, jake sanderson, and mason mctavish?

  7. They consistently form an ineffective team in Edmonton, and it begins with management. They acquire goalies without a notable track record, hand out contracts casually, and persist in prioritizing offense when building their team. In previous years, when Edmonton faced teams with strong scoring abilities, those opponents demonstrated superior defensive skills to compliment their game. Additionally, the frequent turnover of coaches raises questions about team stability. At what point should management be held responsible for their shortcomings

  8. Don't forget that this was all Campbell's fault though guys. Both McDavid and Drai should request a trade. Been a Decade of mismanagement and this team is going nowhere in their primes.

  9. Not that it would have made any difference, but that was a bad call on the McDavid penalty. The guy backs up into him and falls down and a penalty gets called. About the defense, I know fans don't like guys like Nurse and Ceci, but they're still NHL level players, which means they should know what to do on basic plays and should be able, physically, to do them. Put Nurse on a team like, say, Boston or Dallas or Florida and I'm sure he would carry out his assignments just fine. The fact they always look so confused tells me it's not entirely the players, and since they've changed coaches and hasn't gotten better shows it's probably not entirely the coaches. It's a systemic failure and the only thing I can think of is scrapping everything they're trying, going back to the absolute basics, the most simple systems, and building from there.

  10. Just a matter of time before McDavid and Draisaitl will use Luongo's phrase, "My contract sucks".

  11. Flyers fan here , so I understand how frustrating it is for Oilers fans after the shi* show we went through last year with Fletcher as GM. Not sure what the answer is , but the whole hockey world needs to see the Connor and Leon chemistry back. They are amazing to watch .

  12. people blaming drai and mcdavid are really something. they dont play very well defensively thats true but if you seriously think that the worlds best and second best player are the problem (on great contracts btw) then idk what to tell you. at this point why even put in an effort if youre mcdrai, youre never going to win in edmonton. you can put up historic numbers in the playoffs and it still falls laughably short. even if edmonton somehow fixes this, mcdrai are sourrounded by a mediocre team who will never win the cup, at what point do you stop giving your all for a team and managment that dont do the same?

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