@Edmonton Oilers

Have you lost faith in the Oilers? | The Talking Point

The Oilers showed some signs of life with two wins over the Kraken and a victory against the Islanders sandwiched in between earlier this month, but Edmonton has followed that up with three straight road defeats. Has all faith been lost on the Oilers this season? TSN Hockey analyst Dave Poulin weighs in.


  1. Not at all the team is still working hard by what I see. There are players on it that shouldnt be there & dont fit is all. I have lost faith in ownership & especially upper management Bob Nicholson & Ken Holland. I wish Jeff Jackson would let a new GM come in & evaluate the team & situation now instead of wasting more valuable time by waiting until the off season. Who knows the fresh eyes & mindset might be able to affect some positive changes yet this season.

  2. The Oilers are showing the league exactly what they are if McDavid is anything less than the best player in the world. He's papered over the major deficiencies on that team over the years but now that hes slowed down due to injury or whatever, they're one of the worst teams in the league.

  3. Does TSN even have any credibility after every single "expert" (Except Button) picked Edmonton to win the Stanley Cup? Their on air credentials should be revoked.

  4. I have complete faith in McDavid hanging out around the red line while the other team has possession of the puck in his defensive zone and then making angry comments in post game interviews about how he is "obviously" trying to keep the puck out of his own net. Like how is he trying to keep the puck out of his net when he is up by the red line in that situation?

    I have complete faith in the Oilers firing their coach again sooner than later.

    I have complete faith in Draisaitl turning the puck over in a bad spot and then not making any kind of effort whatsoever to backcheck and just assume its someone else's problem now.

    I have complete faith in the Oilers not changing a thing about how they play and expecting everything to fix itself on its own.

    I have complete faith in the Oilers stars having temper tantrums in post game interviews because they are doing the same things over and over that aren't working and keep getting asked the same questions because of it.

  5. Neutral fan. I saw them as a playoff team though not a contender or favorite some touted to be.

    This is mostly surprising but if you look under the hood there are a lot of underlying issues with this teams

  6. Last year, everyone was talking about how much the Oilers were depending so heavily on Draisaitl and McDavid. There were already acknowledgments of how, if those two were stopped, the team would not be as good as it was. This year is bearing that out. Most of the teams have D & M figured out and have adjusted to them. The issues they had are still there, they’re just not being covered by insane play by D & M.
    I’m not a fan of the Oilers, but if I were, I wouldn’t feel like I’d lost faith. I may be disappointed, but I’d still think I had a decent team.

  7. Oilers fans think their future is linked to 29 and 97, but look at their "+/-" last year in 22-23, Draisatl was a +7 (w 128 points) and McDavid was 22 (w/153 pys for the year). Their defense pretty much negates any benefits they give the team. Just sayin maybe the conversation needs to change.

  8. OILERS COMEBACK coming Baby!! Going to be the biggest comeback in modern day NHL history. Just wait and See…. Cant wait. I watch every game every year….. It's Coming!! Go OIL!!!!

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