@Florida Panthers

“Go Go Power Rangers!” by New York Rangers Brian Boyle and Michael Del Zotto [10/09/10]

Embarrassing yet nostalgic at the same time.


  1. The New York Rangers have the best guys. I met both Mike Del Zotto and Brian Boyle, they're the sweetest guys you will ever meet! Rangers are #1!!

  2. Lighten up, I wouldn't bitch if two of Phillies players decided to goof around and make a video

  3. Philly=Philadelphia As in its a nickname for the whole town as well as the baseball team. As in Claude Giroux or Scott Hartnell or any of those guys. Once again, lighten up.

  4. ……..So tonight I heard the MSG stadium instruments actually play Go Go Power Rangers during the Stars game. ย My life is now complete. XD

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