@Colorado Avalanche

Josh Manson Game Misconduct Penalty Against Brock Boeser

Thank you Canucks feed for showing us Manson’s awesome theatrics in the penalty box

All rights go to the NHL. I do not own the music and the footage used in this video. For entertainment purposes only.


  1. Nobody cares about the american thanksgiving americans are so fucking Fat asses and they're always fucking dumb

  2. I thought Bruins fans were horrible. Avs fans are giving them a run for their money. They have had the refs in their back pockets for decades. Then get all butt hurt when one call is not to their liking. waaaaah

  3. Definitely not a game misconduct, but definitely a double minor for high sticking / cross checking.. bush league play by Manson.

  4. There was a second cross check to the face later in the game, again by Colorado, but that one wasn’t called, refs in the NHL are funny on what they do and don’t call

  5. They thought Manson was still a Duck so they called it Ducks style. What an utter joke. But he used the time and went straight to a Hollywood audition… 🤣

  6. I get 2 for this, but a fucking gamer misconduct?! What the actual fuck are we doing here NHL? Cogliano gets boarded by Eberle and fractures his neck in 2 places, didn't even get 2 min let alone a hearing, but we are calling this a fucking game misconduct. SHAMEFUL, FUCKING SHAMEFUL.

  7. 2:17 is undoubtedly the best angle of it. If you play it in lower speeds you can see he did in fact hit him in the face. Was it worthy of 5 minute game misconduct? Nah. I don't think so personally. Pussification of the NHL has been underway for some time now though, so its hardly surprising.

  8. So all you have to do is smash your head really hard into oponent's stick to get him out of the game? I'm not a fan of any of these teams but that call was ridiculous. Boeser should be the one heading out for his theatricals. Such a joke.

  9. The refs are so bad at calling situations like this. Just get rid of physical contact already so we can have fairly called games.

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