@St. Louis Blues

Safely Scuba Dive With Sharks | 5 Rules to Stay Safe!

Scuba diving with sharks is something some divers worst nightmare. This is actually a shame because encountering one of these ultimate predators is one of the best experiences you’ll get underwater. To take away a bit of this fear we have composed a list of 5 rules to follow while scuba diving with sharks. These rules will give you some understanding in shark behavior and a way to confidently dive with these mighty animals.

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  1. I’m not overly keen on sharks my sister was in Egypt and a man in the water was eaten alive (toes first) and his screams could be heard from the beach . The attacks may be rare but I don’t want to join the lottery of dying in fear and agony

  2. Great video! It's really good to get to know this. I just have one question: Are sharks afraid of lights?? Video or dive torches ??


  3. I love shark diving. I remember the first time a tiger shark tried to see what I was. I had to push it out of the way by pushing its nose. It was an incredible feeling. It never came back towards me. It was a 12 ft tiger. I’m 5’4, 135 lbs before a bowel movement.

  4. I’m just about to do my PADI open water diver course, so found this video, trying to seek as much information about the underwater world as I can.

    I’ve always been afraid of the water, mainly because of sharks, so getting a better understanding of them will certainly help me on my way

  5. So explain the guy who was eaten whole by a shark on video! The shark kept coming back and biting and ate him whole. I would really love to hear his feedback on this.

  6. I am shocked … Almost every picture of a shark nowadays dons a hook or it´s jaws terribly disfigured by a hook. Look at the first impression, at 0:06 . Are we as a species that imposing?

  7. how about extending your arms and pushing the shark under you – "stiff arm" ? I do hear that very often.

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