@Edmonton Oilers

PRE-RAW | Kris Knoblauch 11.24.23

Kris speaks to the media from Capital One Arena ahead of the Oilers date with the Capitals.


  1. Blah blah blah, we'll try to work on things blah blah blah, we'll do better and play a full 60 blah blah blah….

    Same old 🎵🎵🎵

  2. You panic fire one of the best coaches in a number of years. Replace him with basically a coach with little NHL experience, and expect different results? This is on the players to perform.

  3. Woody would instill some confidence. This guy is… not comforting at all.

  4. Dear Oilers Players & Management

    This season may not have started as we envisioned, but it's in these moments of challenge that true character is forged. We, the fans, expected greatness because we know the incredible potential that resides within this team.

    Yes, the beginning has been tough, and the road ahead may seem daunting, but let's remember that championships are not won in October. It's about the journey, the resilience, and the unwavering belief in each other. Every stumble is an opportunity to rise, learn, and come back stronger.

    We're not here to dwell on the setbacks but to fuel the fire within each player. You are not the worst team; you are a team in the process of becoming the best. Every pass, every shot, every moment on the ice is a chance for redemption.

    Remember the passion that drives you, the pride that comes with wearing the Oilers jersey, and the unyielding support of your fans. We stand by you, not just when you're on top, but especially when the climb is steep. We believe in your ability to turn this season around.

    It's not about meeting expectations; it's about exceeding them. Embrace the challenge, play with heart, and leave everything on the ice. The journey to greatness is rarely a straight line, and we're confident that you have the strength and skill to navigate the twists and turns.

    This is a rallying cry, a call to arms. Rise from the ashes of this tough start, embrace the opportunity for redemption, and let's show the world why we were favored to win the Cup. The journey is long, and the season is far from over. As fans, our belief is unshakeable, and together, we will overcome.

    Go Oilers! The best is yet to come.

    Sincerely, The Unwavering Oilers Faithful

  5. He's playing Skinner! Brilliant! The Oilers now have Mr. Rogers as a coach.

  6. Oilers are laughing stock of the league, had off season to fix last seasons goalie problems, but sat on two backup goalies wishing for a miracle, the GM should be fired, and get a top five or at least a top ten starting goalie, the team has no confidence in Skinner or Campbell, Pickard isn’t even NHL calibre.

  7. Interviewer: So how are we going to lose today? Coach: Will just let them get 5-0 on the first. Then will try and catch up in the third period.

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