@Vancouver Canucks

He was hilariously upset about this

Nhl Vancouver canucks vs colorado avalanche was highly entertaining, and this moment was the best part in my opinion. The brock boeser josh manson stuff was popcorn-worthy and we gotta talk about it. Other than that, the canucks vs avalanche highlights will show you this was a much closer game than the final score would indicate. Subscribe for more reactions to the best of nhl highlights today , news and rumors, team and player-focused videos including colorado avalanche and vancouver canucks highlights / coverage and more based on requests. Nhl hockey 2023
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  1. I’ve noticed Canucks players diving and crying alot this season! That might be part of their success, keeping refs in their pocket!

  2. Not 30 seconds before that he pulls brocks skates from under him with no call then has the audacity to pull that and put on the surprise pikachu face when his actions have consequences

  3. Hopefully, if these teams keep winning, if we see a playoff series between these teams that would be absolute gold.

  4. That call was a joke! I always find it aggravating when the refs take extra time to review something only to get the call extra wrong.

  5. That was such a bad call. Give him a 2 maybe an extra 2, but not that stupidity that they dished out.

  6. The crosscheck shouldn't have been a 5 minute major and then then missed Nichush-beatswomen-kin's attempt to injure on Friedman which should've been a 5 minute major. Horrific reffing, soft calls against Vancouver early and then soft calls against Colorado in an attempt to make up the calls.

  7. Its kinda wild how we had a few moments this season already where players do something incredibly dangerous but this call was pretty bad.
    I mean, taking a stick to the face is not a great feeling that being said…. you don't need to sell it that hard lmao

  8. Rule 9.2 (b) – Cross-Checking

    "A major penalty and a game misconduct for head contact must be assessed to any player who strikes an opponent with a cross-check above the normal height of the shoulders."

    The moment they sent him to the box for a cross-check they'd backed themselves into this call.

  9. The refs proceeded to call soft calls one after another to MAKE SURE the canucks spend zero seconds with a man advantage for those 5 minutes

  10. As a Canucks fan, I don’t think this should have been a game misconduct. Maybe just two minutes. If the NHL is really trying to eliminate hits to the head of any kind then I guess this could be five. I do think the cross check rode up Boeser’s stick into his face and I don’t think it was intentional.

  11. Would never be mad about 2 for manson despite it be super soft, but 5 and a game for getting run into? What the fuck

  12. Here’s my attempt to make sense of the call. In Hockey, the rule is you are in control and responsible for your stick at all times.

    If I accidentally trip someone because he skated through my stick blade and fell, that’s a penalty. Same thing, if your stick is in the air, and I skate into it and it catches me in the mouth, that’s a penalty on you. That’s the rules.

    Similarly, if a guy skates into me, and I catch him in the mouth with a “cross check” it still counts. Ask tall players. They get penalties for head contact all the time. You got to be more responsible at taller heights. Fair or not fair.

    On top, I’m pretty sure it drew blood from Boeser, even if it was only a little bit, which is an automatic escalation from a 2 minute minor.

    Now I’m not positive on this, but I’m pretty sure you literally cannot escalate a cross check to a double minor, as there is no double minor cross checking penalty on the books like there is for high sticking, so by definition, the next step, due to the drop of blood, is 5 minute major.

    (This would make sense as to why Mackinnom kept saying “he’s fine, he’s fine, because he was probably told by the ref “he drew blood that’s a minute major”

    As a Canucks fan, I agree it’s kind of nonsense, but those are the rules.

    That’s at least my attempt to make sense of the call.

  13. I don't think Boeser is capable of anger. He occasionally gyrates and yells after seeing a dirty play but it's still not quite anger. We need a new word to describe the phenomenon.

  14. Avs fan here…Was watching this and could NOT believe it wasn’t just a high stick. There wasn’t any blood, Boeser clearly wasn’t hurt and Manson’a hit was nowhere near egregious. You shoulda talked about the parade to the penalty box that happened right after. Vancouver’s 5 minute powerplay never even happened 😂

  15. canucks fan. definitely got a stick up high, but nothing more than 2 minutes imo. didnt seem like that much contact, just happened bc of the height difference

  16. As a Canucks fan. Manson slashed & tripped Boeser on the same play, so Boeser was probably annoyed with the refs & Manson at that point. He did sell a bit but he was bleeding & also just got crossed checked to the face…

  17. Pattern is showing for the canucks…they play great against shitty teams and get bounced easily against upper tier teams…

  18. Miller might have had the nicest looking goal but he’s also the one that got jacked by Makar for Makar to ice the game on him so 😂

  19. Glad ppl think its funny as a hockey fan i find it sad where the NHL is today. What are there rules many ask me n i honestly dont have a fucking clue anymore, like i guess u can bat the puck with ur hand towards the slot from behind the net, then u can highstick the goalie (markstrom) in the mask when missing the puck, then slash in his arm, then u can touch the puck n score. Also i guess u can turn into the boards anytime a guy comes to pressure u n fall into the boards for an easy draw of boarding, you can also basically fall into a guy that has two hands on his stick a draw a major n get him kicked out of the game. the leagues the biggest embarrassment it has ever been right now.

  20. It looks like a dive from all the other angles but if you watch the incident from the top view angle, you can see this stick moved a few inch towards Boeser's face which is what the refs probably saw and gave 5 and misconduct.

  21. Loved Manson telling his victim how a crosscheck to the face doesn't hurt. It's more hilarious that they gave him the boot. Boeser's non-reaction is well played. Manson did look like a "f***'n idiot" doing that. (Brock mouth's this afterwards) Either way, great entertainment and a great game. Thanks for the vid

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