@San Jose Sharks

Cyclists chased by an ostrich. The funniest thing you’ll see today

We came down to South Africa for the Cape Argus Tour. It is the biggest cycling event in the world, probably.
On Friday, to stretch out the legs we went on pre-race ride [~130km why not?] to the Cape of Good Hope [I love this name!]. The road by the ocean side was quiet and a lille deserted.

Suddenly, I spotted a white ostrich on my left, then this beast jumped on the road from the right and started chasing my friends! It was a little scary at first, but then I thought I gonna fell of my bike from laughter. The ostrich didn’t have any problem to keep up at 50km/h and apparently they do 70km/h with no sweat.

Luckily the creature decided to leave us alone, as we were running out of road. The Cape of Good hope is a dead end way.

My guess he wanted to show off in front of his girlfriend, i bet she was very impressed!

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  1. The fastest bird in the world that thing can actually run faster than the bikes its just playing around

  2. The fastest bird in the world that thing can actually run faster than the bikes its just playing around

  3. The fastest bird in the world that thing can actually run faster than the bikes its just playing around

  4. The fastest bird in the world that thing can actually run faster than the bikes its just playing around

  5. The fastest bird in the world that thing can actually run faster than the bikes its just playing around

  6. that ostrich WAS.NOT.PLAYN….." im gonna f—- you up…. you just wait!!!!!!. Ole Birdie was holdn his/her OWN—YOUR HEAD when I. catch. you!!!!!

  7. It's kinda like the old 70's movie Gargoyles..where they claw their way thru the hood of a car to get the passengers.

  8. Love how it changes lane constantly trying to antagonise them and make them fall off their bikes. It’s like a police ostrich

  9. An ostrich can cover 10 feet in a single stride. Runs 37mph for long stretches. Males can reach 9 feet tall.

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