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RICK SHIELS: What Golf Fans Don’t Know

Rick Shiels lifestyle may not be what you think. He is a golf instructor and influencer with millions of subscribers. Rick Shiels net worth definitely caught us by surprise.
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In the RICK SHIELS: What Golf Fans Don’t Know video we take a closer look at how Rick Shiels raises a ton of money for charity events, is one heck of a golfer, an accomplished coach, a tremendous family man, and an all around nice guy.

Golf Plus delivers to you an insiderā€™s look at the worldā€™s greatest golfers. Top players from the PGA, PGA Tour Champions, LPGA, and legends of the game. We showcase lifestyle pieces, golf highlights, biographies, and documentaries not seen anywhere else.



  1. I am sure he is a nice guy and I do like watching his stuff, but honestly not impressed with his golf play, sorry I thought he would be better

  2. he owns a Bugatti? no, he doesn't….the idiot who made the video just put one in the thumbnail for clicks

  3. You guys are such great golf fanatics that you you put up a slide for a vegetarian restaurant called Gramin instead of Garmin, the GPS watch company, at 6:11. Nice job. šŸ˜‚

  4. Itā€™s really amazing that he doesnā€™t let this all get to his head. He still does things to pay it forward and never had forgotten where he came from. That speaks a lot to the character of a man.

  5. I lost one of my two jobs, so I took a job at a Wendy's for minimum wage so I could buy groceries. Lasted four months till found another job. Ended up going full time with ups. Now retired from them. Just bought new irons….TaylorMade Stealth. Thanks to your video Rick. I tried & bought, through club champion. Have a great holiday season everyone

  6. We follow him and love his content because heā€™s honest with his reviews, and he puts out the content his viewers want and ask for and some other great advice.

  7. What I didn't know about Rick that I wish I can unlearn… MFer is younger than me!?!?!

  8. You've just copied and pasted everything that was said in the interview with Iona Stephen and made your own video out of it.

  9. Rick, has literally changed my game and made it a pleasure to play. Thanks Rick

  10. Rick's a Top G. Honest reviews, good attitude & seems like a lovely player to get partnered up with! Funny it's always that " one shot " that hooks you. Mine was hitting one 3 Yards from the hole my second time out on the 16th oar 3. Hooked every since & it's been 15 years lol

  11. I only watched a couple of his videos, I just didn't like him personally. So I never watched another video.

    I do enjoy Peter Finch, but I do avoid the vids with this guy in it

  12. Whatā€™s the Indian food slide for Gramin vs Garmin? Ha. What???

  13. Listen, first off Rick shields has given me many many hours of golf entertainment his depth of content has been sensational and everything he gets from this money wise he is due that and even more Iā€™m under no illusions Rick has worked harder than anybody and I hope that he earns millions upon millions from his channels going forward and now.
    But letā€™s not be foolish, as a golfer, a pro, a coach even Rick is not a golfer, and when Iā€™m talking golfer Iā€™m talking a high end golfer, thereā€™s many people out there that have more golf talent in their left foot than Rick could ever imagine to have in his whole being, if you respect golf, heā€™s not a golfer, heā€™s a charlatan, heā€™s never ever ever been good enough to do even the smallest of things in golf, but thats ok, Rick knows this more than anybody else, thatā€™s why he took the career path and smashed it and hopefully will keep smashing it, me personally I honestly hope he makes so many millions he canā€™t even count, what I do have an issue with is tho donā€™t ever ever say heā€™s a golfer, a proper golfer, cos proper golfers know what a proper golfer looks like and Rick Isent one of them.
    Not played for years but I know Iā€™d get off the couch and beat Rick tmrw.
    Heā€™s a gentleman and does so much for charity and so he should, id hammer this guy he ainā€™t got 1/5 of the talent

  14. Information was good other than the low effort click bait thumbnail. Kinda pathetic itā€™s portrays Rick as a rich narcissist and yet the video explains the exact opposite. Canā€™t stand when ā€œcontent creatorsā€ frame the opposite opinion in a thumbnail just to get views. Trash.

  15. Rick is somewhat better than average golfer but probably one of the most likeable golf personality ever.

  16. I've been with Rick for at least a decade. He works hard, and seems to be a cool dude. He earned every bit of what is happening in his life. Good job, mate!

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