@Colorado Avalanche

NHL Highlights | Flames vs. Avalanche – November 25, 2023

Nathan MacKinnon led the offence with a goal and an assist and backup Ivan Prosvetov dominated turning aside 29 of 30 shots to lead the Colorado Avalanche past the Calgary Flames 3-1.


  1. Как же так валерия анaлчушкина ничего не забросила😂😂у фидеpacтов нет повода сегодня оседлать свои стpanoны по уззкой традиции 😂😂😂

  2. Did what needed to be done especially for a back to back. Consistency is key. Let's talk about Prosvetov absolutely killing it and earning a spot as a backup

  3. BWAHAHAHAHA where was that firepower from Blake Colewoman we saw in the Dallas game? Atrocious defending from Christina Transev and Darth vlASSar being just as useless as Marksbum. The poverty Cowtown fLames suck there’s a reason they’re the second best team in Alberta

  4. Калгари прямолинейная , не думающая команда, нет взаимосвязи между игроками, Шаранговича уходит за ворота в падении направляет шайбу, все стоят как вкопанные ждут, в итоге гол.

  5. Colorado owns Cowtown and have been since that 2019 slaughtering BWAHAHAHA great to see this trend of the Avs pounding the fLames continue. Some things simply don’t change

  6. At the rate he is playing, Bowen Byram is not going to last in this league. After his third delay of game puck over glass penalty in three games and the way he played defense in the third, I finally realized why he played so poorly. He's afraid of getting hurt. With his history of injuries, he is scared to put his body on the line to block shots and be physical. He better overcome this soon or he won't be in this league after his contract expires

  7. Просветов молодец, хорошо сыграл, особенно то спасение в третьем периоде.

  8. this game stunk. Prosvetov was awesome – both teams looked tired otherwise. Two crappy goals past Vladar and that's the difference

  9. Аризона отказалась от хорошего вратаря. Колорадо сделала правильный выбор .

  10. At the post game, MacKinnon was mad at both teams for playing tired. Which is hilarious and why I love that guy.

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