@New York Rangers

The disrespect here was actually hilarious

Jacob Trouba, as a Penguins fan is a guy I’m supposed to hate. And when they play each other I do! But boy do I respect him. He is literally a freaking tree on skates and yesterday, as we saw the clashing of two old rivals with the New York Rangers vs Philadelphia Flyers in Philly, it played out like you’d expect, just good hard hockey led by Trouba. Hathaway and Deslauriers tried to get him to drop the gloves, he hilariously didn’t even acknowledge them before absolutely laying out Hathaway in the process. Some fights, plenty of big hits meant this was a fun, old time hockey game. I cover it all in todays NHL video!

#hockey #nhl #highlights #newyorkrangers #philadelphiaflyers


  1. I would say Trouba is more know for making impacts to dudes skulls more than making an impact on the ice. 😅

  2. Also, got Torts who coached the rangers for a while and Laviolette who coached the flyers for years.

  3. I couldn’t stand Trouba against the penguins… but doing this kind of work against the flyers may just win me over 😂😂

  4. I'm ngl my team was NOT ready for this game none of them really showed up. They had too much Thanksgiving dinner, Torts should've made them practice 😢

  5. I heard a hilarious take on this where the broadcaster recapping said that Hathaway will lay himself on the line and sacrifice his body to make a good hit.

  6. I just want to say before the hate flies, look Flyers I feel your pain. You played like the Rangers have been for years.

  7. i like to imagine that all the way up the ice, deslauries talking shit, trouba ignores him, but right before the hit, he just says 'watch this.' probably not, but a man can dream. great hit though, as usual, trouba is a beast when it comes to hitting, and can rally the team behind his train

  8. 0:44 bruh….I think I learned during my first week of hockey NOT to pass the puck in front of your net like that. what a bonehead move.

  9. Trouba is that d man in minor hockey that absolutely lit your team up every time you faced him lol.

  10. would of liked watching tthis until he took a baseball bat like swing two handed at trent frederics head today. and the refs watched it and let it go, no longer respect trouba at all.

  11. Trouba ignoring Delaurias only to crack Hathaway in half while Deslauriers is still grabbing his jersey was amazing.

  12. Who would’ve thought that the former coach of the flyers would be facing the former coach of the rangers on opposite teams. I get that it’s not that crazy but when I see them behind the benches I feel like I’m in a weird alternate timeline

  13. Trouba is dirty. I get that having this stuff in the game is acceptable but it’s just hard too watch and I’m an mma guy. He picks on people smaller than him and hits them when they aren’t looking.

  14. The league has had it out for the rangers ever since the Tom Wilson incident. Believe me if trouba were actually dirty he would’ve gotten punished. Today was the first bad thing he’s done since he’s joined the rangers. And even bruins fans didn’t notice what happened until hours after the game and someone who had the benefit of slowing the game down to the pixels had a chance to microanalyze

  15. Trouba is the man. All the hits are clean. Hathaway didint go near Trouba after that hit. How everything played out was just gold!

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