@New York Rangers

I am disgusted by the NHL right now

In yesterdays Original 6 matchup between the Boston Bruins and New York Rangers, Captain Jacob Trouba swung his stick and clearly hit Trent Frederic in the head. Right in front of the official. About as easy of a call as you can get, this was 100% a penalty. In a similar incident with Penguins Evgeni Malkin a few years back, it was a game misconduct AND a suspension. So, after the NHL and Gary Bettman embarrassed themselves with Marc-Andre Fleury the night before, threatening to fine him for wearing a mask, surely this infraction would have a similar reaction right? Not only did he not get a penalty, he didn’t even get a hearing. A simple $5,000 fine. A joke. I cover it all in todays NHL hockey video.

#hockey #nhl #highlights #newyorkrangers #bostonbruins


  1. Trouba is just flat out a dirty player. Remember when he hit Crosby in the head in the playoffs a couple of years ago. That, and the dustup over the mask w Fleury, and the back-and-forth wishy-washiness over the pride nonsense. Pro sports are a joke, anymore, I've been a sports fan all my life, and I find myself being less, and less interested. I'll go back to watching old games over the current pro sports.

  2. The Rasmus Andersson suspension was ridiculous. Im glad they decided to stop suspending players over clean plays. Now if only they could start wearing neck guards and cages cause, you know, a guy died this year.

  3. It's a 2 hander to the head. It was clear he lost his cool and took a 2 handed swing with his stick. How the f is that not a penalty? What a joke! The game management and bias shown by NHL officials is an embarrassment to professional sports.

  4. Everybody seems to forget that was Bettman was hired there was a lot of different sources claiming he was coming from the NBA to make sure that hockey would'nt overthrow basketball in the US. The way he ran the League year after year after seem to only reinforce that statement.

  5. And will Trouba answer the bell for this next time they play? Doubtful. He never answers for his shit.

  6. Ooh poor innocent Frederick. If he wasn't being a dick this would have been nothing.

  7. Imagine if our judicial system handed out similar fines. Wait, you hit someone with a club? There is video evidence? The courts find you guilty and fine you $30.00. That would certainly clear up a lot of room in our prison systems. You would nearly have to kill the guy before you would receive 3 days imprisonment.

  8. Trouba is a dirty player and everybody but Rags fans know it. Trouba should have a 4 game suspension and a possible fine at least. That’s intent to injure. He knows exactly what he is doing.

  9. Like you said, I do think he's just struggling with Frederic and his stick comes up, not intentional, so I don't really see it as comparable to the Malkin incident, where I don't think there's any argument that he intended to swing his stick.

    But it's definitely a penalty and I think should've been a game suspension, because while intent should be taken into account for suspensions, I don't think a lack of intent should avoid a suspension.

  10. I am not by any means condoning the stick swing,no matter ,the game is high speed,sticks are held,brute force is used to get back control of your stick,on release,that stick can go anywhere!Maybe if people played the game,they would fully understand the speed,and strength needed to play this sport!Things happen,that are easily judged by a by stander!Play the game and I think you would have a different insight!Ex hockey player,not a pro,but played the game 20 years,and loved it!!!

  11. I was at the game yesterday and I somehow totally missed the Trouba v. Frederic situation. But yeah that’s a horrible missed call, regardless of intent. And even as a Ranger fan I would have to accept suspending a guy for that because it’s what I would expect if the shoe was on the other foot. I generally like Trouba and I’ll defend most of his play as tough but legal. But he makes some dumb choices and this was a stupid thing to do, again, no matter what he was thinking at the time. Bottom line, the league can’t be sending the message that if you have $5k to spend, you can hack a guy in the head if the mood strikes you.

  12. Rules and suspensions are not common for original 6 teams, just go back through and its obvious the league treats some teams differently. We would like to believe player safety is priority but not when it might concern certain team owners profits.

  13. Theres another angle on the Trouba call . His stick was being held . If it was blatant with the ref watching it wouldve gotten called . Watching it in slow mo it looks intentional and really anything in slow mo you can form a false narrative on when it happens in < a second ,but look for the other angle and in full speed

  14. I don't have a dog in this fight, but that's a pretty nasty high stick. Guaranteed if Frederick took a soccer dive Trouba would've had the hammer taken down on him though, but that shouldn't matter

  15. Agreed, should be a call.
    On the MAF helmet, wow! I'm trying to figure out who would be offended by the helmet. No disrespect but would any of the players on the ice, let alone fans in the stands even notice? Not like it covers the entire helmet. Good for you Marc Andre.

  16. I think all Rangers fans, myself included, think he deserved a penalty and at least a 1 game suspension. $5k fine is pathetic.

  17. Why is the league so inconsistent with its punishments? And why doesn’t someone just drop this tool….

  18. These are of the many reasons I don’t watch nhl, the refs ruin it. Do you know how they call a charging penalty? If the player “charges at an opponent for a violent hit” or something, that could mean any hard hitting hockey play. Reffing and rules are stupid if they are just gonna bend them all the time. Might as well be allowed to pick up the puck with your hand and throw it in the net

  19. As a Rangers fan I wouldn’t have complained about a suspension. The maximum fine under the CBA for this is the 5k he got. From a fine perspective I don’t know what you’re complaining about.

  20. You gained a new subscriber with this video. The referees are useless. I often wonder if Bettman has directed them to give penalties at their discretion, if they think it'll spice up a game.

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