@Calgary Flames

Annual Calgary Hitmen Teddy Bear Toss Game next Sunday

As some of you know, I have gave away Wranglers and Flames tickets before. This time I am giving away two tickets (one adult and one child) to this almost sold out game.

I bought these for the purpose of giving a parent and their kid a chance to go to this really fun event and game for an early Christmas giveaway. The tickets are located on the second row from the glass, Hitmen attacking twice, so you have to be prepared for the teddy bear onslaught when they score their first goal!

This was how it was last year: [2022 Calgary Hitmen Teddy Bear Toss

If you want to have a chance to go, post here and tell me why you would want to bring your kid there for this event. I will pick someone at the end of the week on Friday by 6PM. Please check your mailbox before that time. I have previously messaged others for tickets and they don’t check and get back to me way too late at other times. DO NOT send me a chat request, I will ignore you.

FYI: I will also be cross-posting this on the regular /r/Calgary so I can get as many possible people a chance for this giveaway.

Good luck!

by ValorFenix

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