@Dallas Stars

Tim Gleason vs Brenden Morrow Nov 23, 2009

Tim Gleason vs Brenden Morrow from the Carolina Hurricanes at Dallas Stars game on Nov 23, 2009.


  1. @crackpipe76 how can u not like morrow hard nosed hockey player that can put up points and a good leader

  2. NO,maybe you dont know what the fuck your talking about.Sorry honey,I watched the game,and the people must of never came back from the snack bar

  3. Thats why hockey doesnt belong in the SE.Move Nash to Hamilton,ATL to Quebec,CAR to Seattle,FLA to Winnipeg,TB to Portland/Salt Lake/Montana?

  4. its always like that in dallas even for mavericks games – tons of latecomers in the lower level. didnt help that it was a monday night game lol

  5. Superstar versus Half a star,
    i give this one to morrow,
    he got the better punches,
    gleason got the takedown.
    Bring the stars to ontario!

  6. watch the replay……there was no 5 shots to the face…..morrow gets the win but nothing really clean landed

  7. @Johnbmay what does personal problems have to do with NHL and you wanting someones career ended. Last time I checked it takes 2 to cheat and Gleason didnt open up his legs. Ott needs to handle his stuff himself on and off the ice.

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