@Los Angeles Kings

The Kings are Shannon’s least favorite team ever.

He loves our jerseys though.

by FakeTreverMoore12


  1. *Brings up ’93*

    *Tony Soprano voice*: Yeah, but you gotta get ova it.

  2. I know, he’s from Vancouver.

    But I do love Shannon though.

  3. Favorite team is the Canucks! Wears a Stars jersey lol

  4. He’s a good man and a welcome part of being a hockey fan. He can’t wait to cheer for us more. Honestly he always gives an incredibly fair assessment of the team for as long as I’ve watched him. If he doesn’t like us now we will win him over

  5. intheyear3001

    Haters are just confused fans. Thanks Shannon.

  6. Pm_edgar_haircuts

    This dude is a true certified triple OG hockey fan. Dude is the Bob Ross of YouTube hockey and doesn’t go hyper analytical is stats and just calls it for what it is at the moment. Respect compared to all the click bait channels with ridiculous video titles.

  7. SaucyWalnutz

    I get it. He certainly has his reasons. Ultimately, it’s a compliment to the Kings.

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