@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR17 – Game 20 – Dive/Encore – Panthers 1, Maple Leafs 2 (SO)

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 20 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Florida Panthers.



  1. Move Marner to the 4th line, swap with Gregor to the 2nd. Marner on the 4th will also give Reaves a purpose as an enforcer which he's been completely lacking.

  2. I was there last night and was so sad when we lost. Luckily my girlfriend took forever to collect her things before we left so we were there when they called it back! Whatta game

  3. U r so funny! Omgoodness last time I watched was last year , cause I knew they would win ….they did pass there anniversary lol thought that ment winning! This year we'll not going to ruin it 😮 . This is the best ! U are going to be my dad's favorite person sion when I show this lol….

  4. 9:56 Steve you're an absolute treasure LOL, exact thoughts on Marner's failed shootout attempt….still can't believe he tripped on his own skates!!!!

  5. whats funny is that if im not mistaken when I checked espn when panthers "scored" the shootout goal they actually changed the score to 2-1 for the panthers and I was like oh sick they won few hours later I check again…nope turns out toronto won lmao.

  6. i legit saw the goal, thought they lost turned that off right away and passed out too wake up to see the leafs won i was like wait what?

  7. I got to go to this game in person and it was my first Leafs game in person (gf got me birthday tickets). Oh man oh man was I a happy guy. It was awesome! Our whole row stopped and turned around when the Panthers SO goal was called back. The place went wild when Gregor scored!

  8. That 4 minute penalty on Domi was so bad. The NHL is such a joke with garbage calls like this. You see so many things not called every game and they call that to give a 4-min powerplay? F OFF NHL. There are things that really drive fans crazy and inconsistent random officiating is really a joke.

  9. My heart broke for Marner. He lines up for the shootout, all I could think was please let him score, he needs it so bad. Then that happened. Text book yips. The guy just can't buy a break.

  10. An undeserved win. Would have been better if they lost. Now they can hang their hat on "at least we got 2 points".

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