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The Edmonton Oilers Are Taking A HUGE RISK… Will Connor Brown Pay Off?

The Edmonton Oilers have decided to go ahead and give Connor Brown his tenth game, which will enact his bonuses and cap carryover for next season. Will this huge risk pay off as the season goes along?
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  1. This one not so crazy, no bad players, just bad contracts. I’m sure that if Oilers were in first place Brown’s contract might look different. I would wait and see what he does, unlike Campbell where you have seen what he can do,,,,,,nothing!

  2. Coach Garlic said as much but also said it would be flexible. A "guy" coming back from injury needs time management. Great vid as always. Take care all.

  3. I feel players contracts should be flexible based on performance from yr too yr and you should be able to be fired if you dont reach minimum targets

  4. Don't think he will pay off, he's another waste of money, he's only because he's played with McDavid, McDavid seems to run the show and so far it isn't paying off.

  5. This was Jeff Jackson's first disastrous deal. I'm sure the first of many to come for Jeff Jackson. Jackson signed this deal and strong armed Holland as an agent and as CEO to have him play game #10. My guess is Holland wanted to keep Woody and wanted to rip up the Brown contract. Jackson said not gonna happen Kenny. Take a seat, I'm in charge now.

  6. Let's not forget GMs and agents historically hate each other. The Oilers drafted McDavid, it's not like Jackson had anything to do with giving McDavid to the Oilers as a gift. There might even be a good chance Jackson and Holland can't stand each other and Katz brought Jackson in because Katz can't stand Holland. Holland and Jackson already showed their juvenile highschool bickering at the Knoblauch press conference by not even agreeing with each other in front of the cameras.

  7. Great analysis. This was the 1st big decision our new management team had to make. My fear is other teams will try to take Brown out. They know what a huge hole that would make in Edmonton. McD not having a stable line still & getting deep into the season will cost us some games against good teams.

  8. I don't dislike Brown. But after pre-season it was clear his game wasn't up to speed yet and he should have been sent to Bakersfield to play 10 or so games down there. Then he got injured, which sucks, but for the life of me I can't figure out why, with his history, why does the team not send him down for a conditioning stint first? The team has been setting him up to fail. And now the next GM has to maneuver around 3 million or whatever on next year's cap. Brutal.

  9. What is it with Edmonton Oilers general managers…. a long succession of them… that they can't seem to resist kneecapping the team for years to come with utterly horrible contracts?

    Every time we manage to crawl our way out of cap hell, whichever numbskull of a GM we happen to have employed at the time goes out and puts us right back in again.

  10. Wouldn't give Mcleod $1.8M but willing to pay Brown $3.2M and Connor's friend Nurse making more than Leon you can see the agent Jackson as CEO of Oilers was a big mistake which falls on the owner.

  11. We had Klim Kostin a guy that fit in had fresh energy could score few goals contribute.
    Opposing teams had keep their heads on swivel cause he send a guy through the boards and drop the gloves for a teammate with one wrong look, and you make a deal to get rid some cap.
    To sign a guy who hasn’t played last year cause of injury and in my opinion never was consistent in play.

    Now you want Gamble on him again? And use money the team doesn’t have??

    Great thinking management 👎!!

  12. i dont understand why our salary cap is maxed out?!! other than a few players like Mcdavid, Dri, Hyman, Kane, Nurse, Ceci, Bouchard, nobody on this team is worth a million dollars a year

  13. Here’s the problem, if you waive him after 9 games, yes you save a ton of $$$$, I get it, but what is the message you are sending to other future free agents , no one would EVER go to Edmonton if they waived him, I understand the short term savings, but long term you really hurt your reputation as a team, and players will pass on Edmonton, don’t forget the NHLPA is a big group of close friends, regardless of teams they play for. Just my 3.25 cents

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