@Minnesota Wild

Dean Evason sitdown: How Wild firing went down, why he’s ready to move on — ‘what do I need time off for?’

> Gaudreau felt incredibly guilty for his scoreless season and texted Evason, “I need to see you.” Evason wrote back, “Gauds, no, I’m good.” Gaudreau wrote back, “But I’m not.” Evason assured him he’d be OK and to focus on the next game. So Evason was overjoyed to see Gaudreau score the winning goal in his new coach’s first game.

> I think Kaprizov’s injury took a lot out of him. He comes back and plays two games and then the playoffs, and he’s still in recovery mode. He’s had it looked at again this year. I don’t want to give secrets out, but that’s a hard injury to recover from. Has that affected his ability to have the pace? Yes, 100 percent. I do believe that. Kirill Kaprizov is trying his ass off. He just hasn’t found his skating pace that we are accustomed to.

> I don’t need time off. What do I need time off for? I don’t need to process this situation. It’s over. I’m in a position now that I’ve got some stuff to take care of personally, like with my apartment and stuff like that that I don’t really enjoy. But do I need to mourn? No. I need to get back at it. I didn’t wake up yesterday thinking I’m a shitty coach. I woke up yesterday thinking I’m a fucking good coach. I can coach. I’m ready to coach. I hope I get another situation to coach, and I hope it’s in this league.

> Eriksson Ek is by far the most important player on that team. I watched him last night. You don’t get the appreciation when you’re sitting on your couch watching this guy. He is an absolute horse, an absolute warrior. He is just incredible.

by DecentLurker96


  1. NorthernPuck

    Definitely hoping Hynes does well, but I personally thinking firing Dean will have been a mistake in the longer-term. I understand why Billy did it, since it’s not the first time in the NHL this has happened where a coach gets fired in such situations, but I think Dean was/is a good coach and it’s really not on him that the team hasn’t played well so far this season. I know that goes against the thinking of a lot of hockey experts in this sub the last however long.

    I hope he has success wherever he lands! Will definitely be rooting for him.

  2. This is a really good look at Dean. I’m glad it seems lime he’s handling it well. I’m one of the folks who advocated for a coaching change, but I don’t think Dean was a bad coach. He’s just not what the Wild needed in the moment. Hope he finds something good in his next gig.

  3. godmodium

    Dean confirming Kaprizov’s injury is holding him back this year is not something I expected to read. Typically they are a little more tight lipped about that.

    Also Eriksson Ek being so banged up at the end of every year makes me think the team should find some way to manage his ice time better at the end of the year. I know people hate when star players sit but if he can avoid injury before the playoffs that would be way better than what we have had to deal with the last few years.

  4. cantbelievethename

    Such a solid guy and what a great attitude. I’m not surprised he would’ve gone down with Woods. Wish the team could’ve woken up in time but I’m glad Dean is going to be enjoying himself before the next job.

  5. PortugueseWalrus

    The bit about Freddy and Dean speaks volumes about Dean the person. Not many coaches have that kind of rapport with a player.

    It really is a shame. I feel sick after reading that. As much as we treat this like entertainment, this is people’s lives and dreams in the balance. First-world dreams and lives, you might say, but it still has to hurt an awful lot. What a meatgrinder of a profession.

  6. Damn! Why did you have to post this?!? Cause now I am sobbing…

    There is a lot of insight in this article about the players and where they are at. I mean we already knew that about Ek. We were suspecting a lot was going on with Kaprizov…and now it has kinda been confirmed.

    I really hope Voldemort is going to foster this team or else my scary mama bear will come out. And when she comes out…it is very difficult to get her back into hibernation.

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