@Washington Capitals

What’s happened to Ovechkin? | 7-Eleven That’s Hockey

Alex Ovechkin has just one goal in his last five games and only five on the season with Washington. Is his pursuit of Wayne Gretzky in jeopardy? Bryan Hayes and Jamie McLennan join Gino Reda to discuss his slow first quarter of the season.


  1. Reminds me of Jack Nicholas being asked about the moment when Tiger Woods eventually breaks his major wins record. Jack calmy answered, " He hasnt done it yet"

  2. He's just too slow. I also am not sure his heart is totally in it anymore after his dad died. When he came back from the funeral last season he barely scored a goal.

  3. I don't think these people realize that apart of it could be because he is still in pain deep down with his father passing on earlier this year. Recovering from something like a parent passing isn't gonna go away overnight. It it a lengthy process to recover form such a thing and ofc having this in the front of your mind will affect your play on the ice. I really HATE how everyone seems to ignore this. Everyone only seems to focus on the on ice product and don't realize these athletes are human being too not robots so we should stop treating them like they are cause that's how hockey culture becomes toxic. This is true greatness like the kind we might NEVER see again once Ovi steps away and we need to stop taking players like him for granted. I get it that these reporters are just doing their jobs but I wish they'd maybe mention the fact that he deep down could still be trying to figure out life without his dad. Eventually he'll get back to it but right now we HAVE to BE PATIENT and honestly as long as the caps are doing decent and are in a playoff spot most of the season and eventually finish in a spot then why complain like a little bitch right?

  4. Gretzky finished his final season with 62 points in 70 games. 24th in the league in points (in only 70 games) and 8th in assists. Dissing Gretzky's last season makes you sound like a clown.

  5. Mike Bossy is the greatest goal scorer of all time. If he would have had a whole career, he probably would have scored 1000 goals. And then comes Mario Lemieux. If healthy, he also would have scored at least over 900 easily.

  6. 5 goals this year and 2 of them were empty netters lol

    he's washed that's what's wrong with him, it's over for him

  7. Where’s that idiot Jeff O’Neill that kept telling everyone that Ovi should be a top 50 player this year.

  8. Long time caps fan. Age is taking a huge toll on him. first 10 games he was standing, not skating. Hes done that a lot the last 5 years. As years go by he gets lazier and slower. A big problem for us right now is the powerplay is dogshit. Our powerplay coach is garbage, wrong guys on the ice and Ovi needs to be moved in front of the net in the bumper spot. Teams know the Ovi one T is coming and our cycling and puck pocession is so bad. I’ve only seen us able to get the puck to Ovi maybe 10 times this season and only one good look on the usual One T.

  9. I would rather remember Ovechkin for what he has done thus far. I don't care if he breaks Gretzky's goals record, he'll never be better than Gretz in my eyes; however, he's still one helluva player. It would be sad to see him holding on in desparate need to break the record.

  10. What’s wrong with Ovechkin?
    1. He’s past his prime and running out of runway in his career.
    2. He worships a war criminal dictator that loves invading and destroying neighbouring countries.
    That’s what’s wrong with him.

  11. I think his chances of doing it are 50:50 at best these days. He's passing where he'd always shoot. He doesn't look anywhere near the player he used to be. I hope he gets there, but… I think you guys are being a little too optimistic.

  12. It is still early in the season and Ovechkin can still turn things around. But we do have to remember that he is 38 years old. Sometimes when players start hitting these ages they hit the wall. A decline can happen fast.

  13. I've said from the beginning that people were just too cocky about him breaking the record, I've always held that he WON'T DO IT.

  14. He has 3 goals in 19 games this year where there was a goalie he had to beat. Saying it's a sure thing at this point is nonsense. He's only going to get worse the older he gets, and if he somehow manages to score 20 goals this season, he still needs to keep that pace up for almost 3 more seasons to beat the record. I look forward to seeing this bootlicker fall flat on his face and retire before he has a chance to beat it.

  15. Staying healthy is an underrated skill and Ovechkin has been remarkably healthy throughout his career. However it is worrying not seeing his name on the scoresheet lately.

  16. Look at the goalies of today. Most are over 6 foot. They take up almost the entire net. They’re faster, the game is faster. For OV to do what he’s done, it’ll be a long time until we see another player get to 800 plus goals. He’ll be in the Hall of Fame as one of the greatest goal scorers. I’m fine with that. I just enjoy watching him play.

  17. Anyone who said it was a 'no-brainer' had no brain.
    He had an insane year last year. But as someone who is cheering for Ovi to break it, it's still an everest-like challenge.

  18. I've heard rumors that he's old. Big fan so I'm not inclined to believe it, but I don't know… If you look really hard there does appear to be some evidence that he might actually be getting older every year.

  19. Atleast gretz in his last year could make plays and was still relevant. Ovi stands waiting for a pass, not even close to being involved in the play.

  20. The storybook ending is hes raging to 895. He would keep going if he did that. To reach the mikestone alone is a triumph imo.

  21. Watch him on the ice, hes still fast, hitting and he noticeably sets up teammates over his own scoring chances. Less about himself now but he should be greedy and get the scoring title

  22. If he has to play until he is 40+ to get the record, I don't think he is going to get the record. As well, if he has lost his drive to play since his father's death, he might just decide to throw in the towel early.

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