@National Hockey League

Corey Perry’s Statement.

Corey Perry’s Statement.

by swellloko


  1. Otterslayer22

    Good. First step is admitting you have a problem.

  2. wilfordbrimley778

    So he drunkenly banged bedard’s mom?

  3. KittyG0meow

    So obviously he heard the rumor he was banging Bedards dad it seems.

  4. Cheefnuggs

    You know. At least this statement has an admission of guilt saying “As a result of my actions” and saying what he did was “inappropriate and wrong.”

    I think that’s a good first step.

    A lot better than the deflection we usually get from these kinds of statements.

  5. Oo00Oo0Oo00

    Did I miss a day? Do we know what the actual incident was now? Obviously involved alcohol but I may have missed something

  6. Oibrigade

    Awesome statement. i feel terrible for the kid whose life must be hell with that false rumor. Hopefully whoever started it and those that kept pushing it lose followers on social media since it was most likely the reasoning behind this whole crap, to get more followers

  7. oystertoe

    hard to judge an apology when you don’t really know what’s he’s apologizing for

  8. heavypickles

    Someone translate to the way hockey players talk irl

  9. FilmNoirOdy

    Alcoholism? Well that explains the recent discussions about the NHLPA.

  10. vintage_rack_boi

    He got hammered in Columbus and did something dumb. Mess up a hotel room? Fight a civilian?

  11. Wonderful_Grade_5476

    I figured it was related to alcohol unfortunately it usually is which is unfortunate

    I hope he gets the help he needs 🙁

  12. HairlessDaddy

    Maybe this sounds harsh but I don’t understand how a true apology can happen without even an acknowledgement of what happened. You’re not taking responsibility for your actions if those actions are kept a secret. Same goes for Shane Pinto.

  13. gargamelul

    doesn’t absolve whatever happened, but this is about as good a statement as you could ask for

  14. Frequent-Avocado2599

    What losing three straight SCF’s does to a man. Fr tho mental health/alcoholism is some serious shit hope he/the people affected are all good.

  15. A lot of the comments here mention alcoholism as a root cause for the apology. All I see here is that there are substance abuse issues. Am I missing something?

  16. BubbaSpanks

    So instead of pooping in a helmet he hurled in it🤣hopefully he gets the help he needs

  17. Crazy-Camera-3388

    All jokes aside I am really praying Corey gets the help he needs

  18. MariachiArchery

    I have a lot of empathy for everyone involved in this.

    Alcoholism, which is I’m guessing what is going on here, is a fucking nightmare. I hope that this is his rock bottom and get can start to take some responsibility. Words are one thing, but honest sobriety is another.

  19. SurfStrength

    so what did he get pulled for? was he drunk at the game or something?

  20. Well Perry, if this wasn’t every single persons apology format I might have actually believed you.

    At least it’s a start that he admitted fault, but let’s be honest here: if someone makes a written statement instead of a spoken one usually it’s because their agent wrote it.

    So in the end, kick rocks douchebag.

  21. It’s not an apology if you don’t state what it is you’re apologizing for!

  22. Brewmaster30

    For me, sober from alcohol for 2 years, this is enough. It was almost impossible for me to accept I had a problem. I cannot imagine the embarrassment he’s going thru having this on the front page. Alcohol brought me to the depths of hell. Genuinely hope he’s doing okay.

  23. I just celebrated 35 years sober. It saved my life.

  24. Good shit. Corey Perry stepping up and giving a proper insight into what happened.

    Obviously he didn’t say exactly what happen, but considering the statement it’s pretty plain that he got shittered an assaulted someone (verbally or physically, I doubt SA occured otherwise there would be criminal investigation happening).

  25. AggressiveRaise7475

    One day the culture of having to drink to be one of the boys will change.

  26. This is a bit different than your standard nothing apology. He sounds like he needs help

  27. Ecruteak-vagrant

    I mean so he got super drunk, evidently can’t control his drinking so it’s good he is seeking help, but still doesn’t state what he did. Beginning to wonder if we will ever know.

  28. crymeariver_babies

    All the non glass house dwellers with rocks. 😐 They’ll take their shots here.

  29. particleman3

    This was something more along the lines of what I was expecting in regard to the cause of his situation.

    Props to him for admitting the issues with alcohol and I truly wish him the best on the road to recovery.

  30. DaisyFeeder

    You people are such morons.
    The guy was obviously caught for doing something quite bad, yet all it appears that all he has to do is get someone to write a few paragraphs, and all seems to be forgiven.

    “He’s being accountable”
    “He’s accepting responsibility”
    “He understand he made a mistake”

    Blah blah blah

    The guy is a POS who deserves this.

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