@Chicago Blackhawks

Corey Perry misconduct timeline becoming slightly clearer, but contract grievance could add another twist

Corey Perry misconduct timeline becoming slightly clearer, but contract grievance could add another twist

by Grif73r


  1. SurelyRight

    Most likely thing is something he said I would guess. Touching someone that doesn’t want it can almost always shave a possible illegality to it. But you can say all sorts of fucked up shit to people and have it be legal

  2. > The police were not involved because the misconduct was not considered a criminal matter.

    I don’t know why this keeps being repeated by news sites and everyone else.

    Kyle Davidson was intentionally vague when asked on the criminality.

    > Is there any criminality involved here or anything potentially criminal?

    Kyle Davidson:
    > This was a workplace matter.

    > Just wanting to confirm, law enforcement was not involved in this?

    Kyle Davidson:
    > This was a workplace matter.

    Until he explicitly says it’s not criminal, I don’t see how it can be reported that it wasn’t. Unless it was clarified somewhere else, of course.

  3. archasaurus

    The timeline becoming clearer is literally just some guy overheard him say he’s walking to the arena instead of taking the bus before the game. That’s it. Literally no new relevant information here.

  4. pauligyarto

    With the talk that he banged Melanie during the mom’s trip, they REALLY need to just lay it out on the table. Her deleting all of her social media does not exactly inspire faith that it’s just a joke that got out of control. With the way everything happened this week, I would have to at least consider that plausible unfortunately. If that’s not what happened, it’s even worse.

    Edit: Apologies for the knee jerk reaction. I did not realize it was potentially a joke that got out of control, shame on the outlets reporting it. This whole situation is extremely disappointing.

    Edit 2: Downvote away guys. YMMV, but in my experience, someone deleting all the socials is sketchy. There are better ways to handle that.

  5. Emergency_Wolf_5764

    Highly unlikely the NHLPA will file a grievance on Perry’s behalf, as it is also highly unlikely that Perry himself would want any details of this particular matter to ever be made public.

    At this point, he’s also probably far more concerned and preoccupied with domestic challenges at home.


  6. malcontented

    When are we getting to the part where he took a massive dump in the middle of the hotel breakfast bar?

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