@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily shot of Penguins: Hockey history!

Tristan Jarry makes Pittsburgh hockey history! (And everything else he did was even better!)

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ABOUT US ► DK Pittsburgh Sports is the proud, pioneering, fully independent venture begun in 2014 by award-winning columnist Dejan Kovacevic and featuring a professional staff covering the Steelers, Penguins and Pirates year-round and everywhere they go! This is where it all started!


  1. I remember quarter of the way into the first, I texted my brother even though we were losing 1-0 to watch the game because Jarry was on fire, was amazing game

  2. It all sounds great….but!!! The truth is…penguins missed last year's playoffs. And; have not won a playoff series in 6 years!!!
    Just like Tomlin' …Sullivan's job is on the line. Both must get in and win the first round playoff. If; they don't. Both should be fired.
    Just win baby…..

  3. I'll say this: Jarry obviously has practiced his shot extensively, and much to his credit too, no shame in aspiring to get a goal as a goalie. Just like an NFL kicker hitting a record-long FG… a lot has to happen for there to even be a chance. Most head coaches won't even go for it. In this case, there should be an empty-net, and that happens all the time, but also the puck should come to the goalie in such a way as to provide him a somewhat unencumbered shot at the goal without too much traffic between himself and the net 180' away. It isn't like Jarry has a history of shooting away and finally hit one. He played his ass off and made incredible saves and really carried the team, and then to have the steady hand and sensible mind to quickly realize the way the puck was coming to him and to nail that shot was something to behold. Excellent job #35! After all the crap you've been taking because, for some reason, our defense is non-existent and they hang you out to dry, you prevail and have a performance like the one last night. Rakell will shine sooner than later. From a huge #14 Kunitz fan in Vegas.

  4. Correction: You actually meant to say a walk-off, inside the park, grand slam. Also…sorry, but it is funny to say something like " I can't believe it happened…I thought I'd never see it happen! Carter scores!" Get a sense of humor buddy.

  5. Tristan Jarry was the MVP last night. They got off to an awful start and Jarry kept them in it with some great saves, until they tilted the ice in the second period and tied the game.

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