@Toronto Maple Leafs

Ilya Samsonov was left frustrated after getting pulled in the first period against the Lightning 😳

#nhl #hockey #leafs #toronto #goalie #tampabaylightning #torontomapleleafs


  1. His whole f*ck*ng team completely went stupid and left him to the wolves for 15 straight minutes after the Knies goal. I was literally yelling at my TV so loud I scared my dog half to death because the Leafs could not clear their own zone time and again and turning the puck over feet away from danger close range on Sammy. Only goal I fault him on is the first one. But for a goalie who's confidence is hurting as his is, to see the entire team just f*ck off right in front of him, and then to turn the switch back on as soon as Woll got in, would drive me absolutely mental. I'd be furious seeing the team play amazing after I've been booted because my team simply couldn't carry the puck out of the zone multiple times.

  2. Once again our fanbase staying classy by sarcastically cheering when he got pulled. No wonder players dont want to play in Toronto.

  3. Feel so bad for him. Hope he can get back into it soon. Hes been a great goalie for us and its hard seeing him like this. You can do this Sammy 💙🤍

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