@Detroit Red Wings

December Red Wings Desktop and Mobile Schedule

December Red Wings Desktop and Mobile Schedule

by GraniteFlex


  1. GraniteFlex

    Wings wrap up another solid month by taking 6 wins and maintaining a spot in the top half of the Atlantic. Big month upcoming with a slew of games against teams that they ‘should be’ beating. Winning teams bank points against lesser opponents and that is something this team has not been able to do for awhile, but have started to this season.

    15 total games, let’s predict 9 wins on the month.

    As always, standard res and ultrawide, along with 2 different mobile formats, one for those who are utilizing widget style lock screen and a standard set up.

    LGRW! 🐙

    If anyone is customizing their Clock colors – the official Red Wings red is #C8102E 🔴.

    Enjoy and share!

    Tip jar, if you feel inclined:

    [Buy me a coffee..or a beer](

  2. poutinetrough

    damn didn’t realize the whole month was basically every other day with some b2b sprinkled in

  3. Complete_Glass_2877

    Thank you for this! Any chance for a dark mode version?

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