@Detroit Red Wings

Edvinsson 4th of the year

by NeedMoreWingsJerseys


  1. Johansson and kasper with the assists. Future……

  2. thorninmysoul

    Stone cold Simon, his cellys are some of the most intense things I’ve ever seen

  3. x_VanHessian_x

    I know he would be better than a player or 2 we have now on the blue line but in GR they are trying to build a brotherhood so when they all come up together they will dominate.

  4. flamesthename08

    He’s ready. Everyone knows he’s ready. Just keep it up and the opportunity will come soon enough. Griffins hockey will be history for him!

  5. natenewton1978

    That clip is great- when he goes to the bench he looks massive and right at the end Soderblom appears and it’s like shit- guys a unit.

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